Looking back at best catches in 2019 by Gold Glove winner Lorenzo Cain

It only took 10 years, but Milwaukee Brewers outfielder Lorenzo Cain was finally awarded his first career Gold Glove to recognize stellar play in center field. To celebrate Cain’s new hardware, we’re taking a look back at some of his best catches from 2019. Take a look:

It all started with some Opening Day magic.

Wall, meet LoCain. LoCain, meet the wall.

He makes it look easy. Almost too easy.

The man is fearless.

The sun couldn’t even prevent LoCain from winning his first Gold Glove.

We give this catch from Fourth of July weekend five stars (and stripes).


Remember when he robbed a guy named Robbie?

This Gold Glove award was looooong overdue.

Sorry, Yadi.

And this catch in late September was just icing on the cake.

To sum up our thoughts on watching LoCain in center field all season long, we give you Brent Suter.

Congrats on your first career Gold Glove award, Lo!