FOX Bet introduces live brackets, as it tries to determine the greatest sports movie of all-time

It’s been a tough time for us all without live sports.

We’re watching replay after replay, re-run after re-run, and maybe even watching our favorite sports movie a time or two.

And with so many to choose from, let’s find out the ultimate fan favorite.

FOX Bet needs your vote!

The FOX Bet polls opened on Monday, March 23 at 2 pm ET.

And the best part? We’ve got our Lock It In squad weighing in on who they think they will win.

Our favorite bettors will put $50 on the line every round, and at the end of the tournament, the proceeds will go to a charity of FOX Bet’s choice.

Let’s see who they’re betting on for Round 1.

Don’t worry Sal, we’re also questioning how High School Musical made the cut.

If you want to get sports specific, our social handles have polls of their own.

Head over to @theassociation to cast your ballot for the greatest basketball movie of all time.

And @mlbonfox voted on the Sandlot as the ultimate baseball film.

Visit our platforms to weigh in on the debate.

If you haven’t seen a film, why not pop it on the TV.

Right now, we’ve got nothing but time on our hands.

Stay tuned for more updates.