The Most Pertinent Tribute To Heroes Of Democracy Is To Kick Out APC – Atiku

A file photo of former Vice President Atiku Abubakar. Photo: Channels TV/ Sodiq Adelakun.


The presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Atiku Abubakar, has called on Nigerians to kick out the All Progressives Congress (APC) from power during the general elections in 2023.

He made the call on Sunday in his Democracy Day message, saying that was the most important tribute the people could pay to the heroes of democracy in the country.

Atiku believes the occasion is an auspicious period to rally around all compatriots to think and work in concert for the unity, security, equity, inclusivity, socio-economic prosperity and equitable development of the country.

He urged Nigerians to seize the opportunity to reinforce their commitment to the sacrifices made by the pioneers of the nation’s independence.

According to the former vice president, it is visible that the present administration has brought upon the people the worst form of government.

He, therefore, asked them to reject the APC government which he described as inept, unpopular, insensitive, and clueless.

Atiku stressed that a party that could not offer the people honesty on its pledged manifestos with regards to security, economic growth, and anti-corruption should not be honoured with another ‘wasteful’ tenure.

For him, it is time to prove to APC politicians that power truly belongs to the people via the use of ballots.

Read the full text of the PDP presidential candidate’s message below:

This year’s Democracy Day provides us with no room to stomach rhyme and rhetoric. But salient facts, sobriety, and the promise of a better tomorrow.

In fact, this historic June 12 as Democracy Day in Nigeria, is indeed one of the most epochal political events in our nation, just before the February 2023 general elections.

Hence, it is an auspicious period to rally around all compatriots; to think and work in concert for the unity, security, equity, inclusivity, socio-economic prosperity and equitable development of our dear country.

Let’s seize this unique opportunity of Democracy Day to reinforce our firm commitment to the sacrifices made by the pioneers of our country’s independence and salute the courage and selflessness of the pathfinders of our current freedom and liberty; by pursuing with vim and vigour the fundamentals of our Constitution, the pillars and principles of rule of law, of electoral transparency and equity and unity in diversity.

Let’s not despair by folding our arms in hapless helplessness. “The last thing that should die in a person is hope”.

Meanwhile, let’s continue to do our civic duty and responsibility to salvage our dear country together; saving her from falling off precariously from current socio-economic cliff into an abysmal catastrophic end of a failed state, as predicted by some naysayers!

Thus, the time is ripe for all adult Nigerians to register to vote; vote and defend their votes. For people’s participation is the beauty of democracy.

Let’s gather the numbers and commitment to kick out APC – the borrowing and sorrowing party. Let’s remember that Nigeria’s current debt burden stands at over N41 trillion with less than $40billion in reserve.

It is visible that the Buhari administration has brought upon our commonality the worst form of government, where insecurity, disunity, inequity, lack of job opportunity, dwindling economic prosperity and hyper inflation stare us all in the face.

Hence, we should by next year reject an inept, unpopular and insensitive and clueless APC government.

A ruling party that offers crass opportunism and cronyism can never elevate nor uplift a diverse and secular country as ours.

The APC that couldn’t offer Nigerians honesty on their pledged manifestos with regards to security, economic growth and anti-corruption; shouldn’t be honoured with another wasteful tenure of pillage, brigandage and carnage!

Here’s the season to prove to dishonest APC politicians that power truly belongs to the people via the use of the ballots.

A government that impoverishes us divides us along our fault lines, make us insecure, make us hungry, starve us of public amenities like electricity and fuel and perpetually shut down gates of universities against our undergraduates, due to no fault of the students and causing untold sorrow to their parents and sponsors; such a party should never be allowed to occupy esteemed offices in government at any level in our country.

At this juncture, the most pertinent tribute that we can effectively pay to our heroes past, those who struggled to enthrone and sustain Democracy in Nigeria, is to kick out the APC; a tainted government that was given a valuable mandate, but came unprepared about what to do. They squandered a precious political opportunity, by dashing the hopes of a trusting majority of the electorate. Not again, we should all clamour. Say no to the doom of bad governance; say yes to the prospect of a better Nigeria in 2023.

Let’s work together to fix our country and return the boom of days of yore. Let’s kick out the APC.

I stand with you all on the drive to reposition our country for greatness.

I will unify all and sundry, enforce solid security nationwide, create jobs through private sector unhindered participation and inclusivity, break government monopoly to give wings for business to thrive, provide enabling infrastructural environment to reduce the cost of production, cut governance costs through devolution of powers to other tiers of government, and provide incentives to hardworking and entrepreneurial Nigerians.

Please trust yours truly, to deliver on these promises. We did it in the past under President Olusegun Obasanjo/Atiku Abubakar administration. We paid off Nigeria’s global debt, and liberalised the banking and telecommunications sectors, among others.

But dreams don’t come true if positive action is not activated and implemented. Let’s not rest on our oars, let’s be like the dynamic eagle and soar! Let’s rekindle hope by not giving up on the dream of a better Nigeria.

Long live Democracy in Nigeria. -AA