AHRC Commends MedGlobal for their Recent Medical Relief Mission in Yemen:

By American Human Rights Council (AHRC-USA)
The American Human Rights Council (AHRC-USA) commends the MedGlobal medical relief delegation that recently concluded a medical services mission to Yemen to provide health care. The mission was undertaken in very dangerous country conditions.A diverse team of medical doctors from the US and across the world were on the ground to provide immediate emergency health care and educational services to vulnerable populations in the Hadhramout and Ma’rib governorates in Yemen. AHRC salutes MedGlobal for arranging such much needed mission to Yemen and salutes every medical professional who took part in the mission.The Yemeni humanitarian crisis is one of the worse crises facing the world today. One of its major aspect is the severe lack of adequate health care services and the spread of diseases, especially among children. The MedGlobal relief was a much needed effort.It is clear that the root of all the ongoing crises, medical and others, in Yemen is political. AHRC urges all parties in Yemen to engage in serious peace negotiations that helps Yemen regain its peace and unity.AHRC’s former board President and founding member of AHRC, Dr. Opada Alzohaili, participated in the humanitarian medical mission.“We salute all the medical professionals who courageously risked their lives to help others in a war zone,” said Imad Hamad, AHRC Executive Director. “They are role models for caring human beings who put their knowledge and expertise in the service of those in dire need of help,” concluded Hamad.“These doctors renew our faith in humanity,” said Dr. Saleh Muslah, AHRC Board President. “I encourage everyone to help provide relief to the people of Yemen, each according to their capacity and abilities,” continued Dr. Muslah.MedGlobal was founded in June 2017 by physicians who are experienced in humanitarian medicine to address the health needs of the most vulnerable across the world. To learn more about MedGlobal and its programs visit: www.MedGlobal.org