AHRC is alarmed by the anticipated ICE Raids that are expected this Sunday July 27

By American Human Rights Council (AHRC-USA)
The American Human Rights Council (AHRC-USA) is alarmed by the anticipated ICE-DHS mass raids that according to multiple media reports and elected officials are expected this Sunday July 27.While DHS has not announced the dates and locations, reports indicate that ten major US cities may be targeted for such operations in order to detain and eventually deport undocumented immigrants as well as immigrants with removal orders entered against them. This operation was announced late June by President Trump but was called off for two weeks.AHRC reaffirms its position that the issue of undocumented residents constitutes a major ongoing national challenge. The political system has not been able to resolve this national issue. A main reason for the stasis is the presence of interparty and intraparty divisions that have prevented progress on immigration.There is no doubt that the nation has the right to enforce the law. However, we see immigration dealt with as a political football. Measures are taken for political expediency and to score points. No one is claiming that this enforcement benefits the targeted communities. In fact, mayors and governors have disagreed strongly with the way the federal government is handling immigration.At the heart of it, immigration is a democratic issue and a human right issue as well.Raids and rumors of raids negatively impact, disrupt, even harm, normal functioning of communities across the nation. They also affect US citizens and permanent residents who fear for the future and well-being of their relatives, friends and valued community members.”We are deeply troubled by raids and rumors of raids,” said Imad Hamad, AHRC Executive Director. “Democratic societies cannot operate normally under constant fear and anxiety of massive and disruptive law enforcement activity not connected to safety or the well-being of communities,” added Hamad. “It’s time to stop using immigration as a political football by finding a real solution consistent with democratic values and human rights,” concluded Hamad.