Alabama man charged in killing of rival college football fan

LITTLEVILLE, Ala. (AP) — An Alabama sheriff says two football fans “got into it” while watching the Louisiana State University-Alabama game and one is accused of fatally shooting the other during a fight.
Colbert County Sheriff Frank Williamson told the Florence TimesDaily that a group gathered to watch the Nov. 9 game at David Allen Fulkerson’s home in Littleville. James Michael Roland Merritt was cheering for LSU, who beat Alabama that day 46-41.
Court documents say the fight escalated when Fulkerson thought Merritt called him an expletive. Williamson says Fulkerson shot Merritt and added that alcohol was a “big” factor. Fulkerson contends he acted in self-defense during the fight.
News outlets report Merritt died Friday after nearly a week on life support. Fulkerson is charged with murder.