Athlete guilty in green card case after incriminating text

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — A former pro soccer player from Liberia has been convicted of lying about his marriage to a Rhode Island woman in order to gain permanent legal residency in the U.S.
Authorities started investigating after a U.S immigration official examining a phone belonging to the man’s wife saw a text from another man indicating they had had sex.
Federal prosecutors say 30-year-old Prince Mark Boley was convicted Thursday of presentation of a perjured immigration document and false statements.
A mistrial on a marriage fraud charge was declared because the jury couldn’t reach a verdict.
Authorities alleged Boley entered into a sham marriage in 2016 to get a green card.
The woman admitted the marriage to Boley was a sham. She wasn’t charged.
Boley faces up to five years in prison at sentencing in November.