marsupium – Liberal Dictionary
marsupium [mahr-soo-pee-uh m] EXAMPLES|WORD ORIGIN noun, plural mar·su·pi·a [mahr-soo-pee-uh] /mɑrˈsu pi ə/. the pouch or fold of skin…
marsupium [mahr-soo-pee-uh m] EXAMPLES|WORD ORIGIN noun, plural mar·su·pi·a [mahr-soo-pee-uh] /mɑrˈsu pi ə/. the pouch or fold of skin…
loge [lohzh] EXAMPLES|WORD ORIGIN noun (in a theater) the front section of the lowest balcony,…
horol. horology. What It Really Means to Call Someone “Crude” Can You Translate These…
gradienter [grey-dee-en-ter] WORD ORIGIN noun Surveying. an instrument on a transit for measuring angles of…
Francisella tularensis [tōō′lə-rĕn′sĭs] n. A bacterium of the genus Francisella that causes tularemia in humans….
expatriate [verb eks-pey-tree-eyt or, esp. British, -pa-tree-; adjective, noun eks-pey-tree-it, -eyt or, esp. British, -pa-tree-]…
Dunaj [doo -nahy] noun Czech and Slovak name of the Dvina. What It Really Means…
circular amputation [sûr′kyə-lər] n. Amputation performed by making a circular incision through the skin, higher…
Brel noun Jacques (ʒak). 1929–78, Belgian-born composer and singer, based in Paris. His songs include…
automatic exposure noun the automatic adjustment of the lens aperture and shutter speed of a…
trinodal [trahy-nohd-l] WORD ORIGIN adjective Botany. having three nodes or joints. What It Really…
sinistrorse [sin-uh-strawrs, si-nis-trawrs, sin-uh-strawrs] EXAMPLES|WORD ORIGIN adjective Botany. (from a point of view at the…
rte. EXAMPLES| route. What It Really Means to Call Someone “Crude” Can You Translate…
petrology [pi-trol-uh-jee] EXAMPLES|WORD ORIGIN noun the scientific study of rocks, including petrography and petrogenesis.…
marsupialization [mär-sōō′pē-ə-lĭ-zā′shən] n. Surgical alteration of a cyst or similar enclosed cavity by making an…
logasthenia [lŏg′ăs-thē′nē-ə] n. aphasia What It Really Means to Call Someone “Crude” Can You…
horokaka noun plural horokaka a New Zealand low-growing plant, Disphyma australe with fleshy leaves and…
gradient post noun a small white post beside a railway line at a point where…
Francisella [frăn′sĭ-sĕl′ə] n. A genus of coccoid or rod-shaped, gram-negative aerobic bacteria, having some pathogenic…
expatiate [ik-spey-shee-eyt] EXAMPLES|WORD ORIGIN verb (used without object), ex·pa·ti·at·ed, ex·pa·ti·at·ing. to enlarge in discourse or…