Chess Subsea Engineering Limited Oil & Gas Training in Nigeria August 2022

Chess Subsea Engineering is an ISO 9001, 45001 & 18001 certified dynamic company founded in 2013 providing engineering service, offering CPD UK accredited training, manpower, research & development to marine & hydrokinetic energy / offshore / subsea / oil and gas industries with innovative design tailored to customer needs. Get to know us more here.
We offer world class international and local training programs to organizations and individuals with a complete and comprehensive suite of trainings, offering modalities including instructor-led training, blended learning with virtual class rooms inclusive and provide skilled manpower services to Oil and Gas and Power industries in Nigeria.
As a registered member of the Oil and Gas Trainers Association of Nigeria (OGTAN) and the Nigeria Oil and Gas Industry Content Joint Qualification System (NOGIC JQS), we have over the years worked with the Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board (NCDMB), in building local capacities in the Nigerian Oil and Gas industry through our training and skill development programs for Nigerians in the following areas below:
Chess Subsea Engineering consult, design and deliver tailored trainings to upskill and empower job seekers or employees to gain needed competence to tackle business challenges more efficiently; thus, enabling them meet strategic objectives towards achievement of exceptional business result.
We are currently providing the following training in Nigeria at a discounted rate for the Month of August 2022 only. Please kindly note that we accept two (2) times installment payment for online course option only.
Subsea Technology for Offshore Subsea & Graduates Engineers (STUELG) Level 1
To develop the highly specialized skills and knowledge in the areas of Offshore & Subsea Engineering at basic level. This online course is meant for offshore subsea engineers who want to expand their knowledge in the subsea and marine industry, engineers from all disciplines who are new to the offshore subsea industry, managers and executives who are new to the offshore subsea industry, project engineers, operation engineers, maintenance engineers, technicians and those switching careers subsea.
Objective of this online course is to increase awareness, participation and career opportunities for young graduates and undergraduates in the areas of offshore, subsea and deepwater operations worldwide.
By the end of this Chess Subsea Engineering training course, participants will learn:
- Understand reservoir management & simulation
- Understand Oil & Gas Well Drilling
- Understand Petroleum Production Optimization
- Understand the design of different subsea equipment
- Understand how subsea systems are installed
- Discover subsea and marine maintenance technologies techniques
- Appreciate the challenges of subsea and marine operations
- Learn about new technologies and future trends
Click here to know more online
STUELG Level 1 is meant for graduates from any discipline and covers deepwater operations fundamentals including Reservoir Management & Simulations, Oil & Gas Well Drilling, Drilling Technologies, Offshore Drilling Rigs, Deep & Ultra Deepwaters New Technologies, Petroleum Production Optimization, Petroleum Production Optimization Technologies, Petroleum Production Optimization Softwares, Petroleum Production Optimization Advance Innovations, Introduction to Subsea Engineering, Shallow & Deepwater Subsea Completions, Subsea Production Systems (SPSs):Major Components, Subsea Production Systems (SPSs) Segments, Characterization of Subsea Production Systems (SPSs), Subsea Field Development Well Case Study, Career Offshore / Subsea for Graduates and more.
Section 1: Reservoir Management
- Fundamentals of Reservoir Management
- Data Acquisition and Characterization
- Integrated Reservoir Modeling
- Economics
Section 2: Reservoir Simulation
- Fundamentals of Reservoir Simulation
- Uses
- Software
Section 3: Oil & Gas Well Drilling
- Introduction to Oil & Gas Well Drilling
- Drilling Technologies
- Offshore Drilling Rigs
- Deep & Ultra Deepwaters New Technologies, Innovations
Section 4: Oil & Gas Subsea
- Oil & Gas Subsea Production
- Subsea Technology and Equipments
- Deep & Ultra Deepwater Future Trends, Research and Development
Section 5: Petroleum Production Optimization
- Introduction to Petroleum Production Optimization
- Petroleum Production Optimization Technologies
- Petroleum Production Optimization Softwares
- Petroleum Production Optimization Advance Innovations
Section 6: Subsea & Hydrodynamic Engineering Designs (Introduction)
- Section 1: Career Offshore / Subsea for Graduates
- Section 2: History of Subsea Engineering
- Section 3: Shallow & Deepwater Subsea Completions
- Section 4: Subsea Production Systems (SPSs):Major Components
- Section 5: Subsea Production Systems (SPSs) Segments
- Section 6: Characterization of Subsea Production Systems (SPSs)
- Section 7: Subsea Field Development Well Case Study
- Section 8: Questions & Competence Assessment
Certificate of Completion
CPD UK accredited certificate shall be issued directly from Chess Subsea Engineering Europe.
Course Fees:
Online: N61,999 NairaOnly
Offline: N199,999 Naira Only
Start Date
Online: 2nd August 2022
(E-Learning + Live Stream Classes)
Offline: 2nd August 2022
Chess Subsea Engineering Deepwater’s Training & Simulation Centre, No 5 Off Stadium Rumoula Link Road, Portharcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.
Please kindly note that we shall only attend to those who are booked online for offline training only at our facilities. All enquiry, registration and payment should be done online and not at our deepwater training facilities in Nigeria.
Pipeline Protection, Maintenance, Economics and Asset Management for Field Engineers and Technicians (PPMEAMFET) Level 1 & Level 2
To develop the highly specialized skills and knowledge required for Pipeline Protection, Maintenance, Economics and Asset Management for Field Engineers and Technicians at Level 1 & Level 2.
Pipeline Protection, Maintenance, Economics and Asset Management for Field Engineers and Technicians Level 1 & Level 2 is designed for Pipeline Engineers, Pipeline Cost Engineers, Pipeline Asset Integrity Engineers, Pipeline Installation Engineers, Pipeline Protection & Maintenance Engineers, Pipeline Protection & Maintenance Technicians, Pipeline Construction Engineer, Pipeline Field Installation Technicians, Pipeline Field Construction Engineers & EPIC Project Managers.
Click here to know more online
Training Mode: Online
Pipeline systems are the backbone of the critical infrastructure of any country. Accidents related to such systems can have severe consequences to the environment and people living in the area, and can involve years of legal proceedings against operating companies and those responsible. But with the ever ageing infrastructure, underwater corrosion and other threats causing leaks or ruptures, the effective monitoring and maintenance has become ever more vital to the safety and security of pipelines.
PPMEAMFET Level 1 & Level 2 covers Causes of Pipeline Damage: Corrosion, Damage caused by Construction / Moving Equipment, Weld Defects, Ground Movement; Consequences of Pipeline Damage, Prevention of Pipeline Damage; Characteristics, Properties and Selection Criteria for Pipeline Coatings; Corrosion Fundamentals; Cathodic Protection & Galvanic Sacrificial Anodes Pipeline Corrosion Prevention Methods ; Causes and Mitigation of Internal Corrosion of Pipelines; Causes and Mitigation of Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC); Pipeline Integrity Programs and Fitness for Service; Components and Tools of Pipeline Integrity Programs, Pipeline Economics i.e. Annual Depreciation, NOI before taxes, Pre-tax payback period, NOI after taxes, After-tax payback period, NPV for pipeline project, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Pipeline Operations, Use of KPIs to Monitor and Assess Pipeline Performance and more
Course Outline
Section 1: Pipeline Protection and Maintenance
- Causes of Pipeline Damage: Corrosion, Damage caused by Construction / Moving
- Equipment, Weld Defects, Ground Movement
- Consequences of Pipeline Damage
- Prevention of Pipeline Damage
- Characteristics, Properties and Selection Criteria for Pipeline Coatings
- Corrosion Fundamentals
- Cathodic Protection & Galvanic Sacrificial Anodes Pipeline Corrosion Prevention Methods
- Causes and Mitigation of Internal Corrosion of Pipelines
- Causes and Mitigation of Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC)
- Pipeline Integrity Programs and Fitness for Service
- Components and Tools of Pipeline Integrity Programs
Section 2: Pipeline Economics and Asset Management
- Pipeline Economics Introduction
- Terminology Used in Pipeline Economics.
- Cost Elements of a Pipeline
- Annual Depreciation
- Net Operating Income before taxes
- Pre-tax payback period
- Net Operating Income after taxes
- After-tax payback period
- NPV for Pipeline Project
- Pipeline Economics Case Study with Hands on Calculations.
- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Pipeline Operations.
- Use of KPIs to Monitor and Assess Pipeline Performance.
Participants will gain an in debt understanding of Pipeline Protection, Maintenance, Economics and Asset Management for Field Engineers and Technicians at Level 1 & Level 2.
They will also be able to function with minimum supervision as a Pipeline Engineers, Pipeline Cost Engineers, Pipeline Asset Integrity Engineers, Pipeline Protection & Maintenance Engineers or Pipeline Protection & Maintenance Technicians for IOCs, EPIC Pipeline Company Contractor or Vendor.
Certificate of Completion
CPD UK accredited certificate shall be issued directly from Chess Subsea Engineering Europe.
Course Fees:
Online: N 99,999 Naira Only
Offline: N 299,999 Naira Only
Start Date
Online: 29th July 2022
(E-Learning + Live Stream Classes)
Offline: 29th July 2022
Chess Subsea Engineering Deepwater’s Training & Simulation Centre, No 5 Off Stadium Rumoula Link Road, Portharcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.
Please kindly note that we shall only attend to those who are booked online for offline training only at our facilities. All enquiry, registration and payment should be done online and not at our deepwater training facilities in Nigeria.
For Registration:
All course registration is online. Please contact directly oremail or WhatsApp us on +447946739882 (International) or +2348151453146 (Africa) directly.
Onshore Pipeline Construction Engineering Management for Project Engineers & Managers (PCEMPEM) Level 1 & Level 2
To develop the highly specialized skills and knowledge required for Onshore Pipeline Construction Engineering Management for Project Engineers & Managers at Level 1 & Level 2.
Onshore Pipeline Construction Engineering Management for Project Engineers & Managers Level 1 & Level 2 is designed for Pipeline Engineers, Pipeline Installation Engineers, Pipeline Construction Engineer, Pipeline Field Installation Technicians, Pipeline Field Construction Engineers & EPIC Project Managers.
Click here to know more online
Training Mode: Online
Pipeline Construction means to lay the pipes to serve their intended purposes. There are two kinds of pipelines: Liquid and Gaseous. The construction of both pipelines is similar. Construction of large scale cross country pipeline involves a multitude of activities. The construction of a pipeline can be compared with a moving assembly line. A large pipeline construction project is usually broken into manageable lengths called “spreads,”. Each spread is attacked at a time utilizing highly specialized and qualified workgroups. Each spread consists of various crews having their own responsibilities. As one crew finishes its work, the next crew takes their position to complete its piece of the pipeline construction process.
PCEMPEM Level 1 & Level 2 covers Stages and management of Pipeline Construction Process including Activities of Pipeline Construction Procedures, Work Procedures, Need for Work Procedures, ROW Clearing and Grading, Transportation Handling and Stringing of the Pipes, Trenching, Cover to Pipe, Bending, Mainline Welding, Standards | Codes, Destructive Test, Radiography, Visual Examinations of Weld, Joint Coating, Pipeline Lowering In Trench, Tie- Ins, Types Of Crossings, Cased Crossing, Clean-Up and Restoration, Air pigging Cleaning and Gauging, Hydrostatic Testing, Cleaning and Gauging Operation, Markers and Valve Installation, Caliper Survey, Line Preservation and more.
Course Outline
Section 1: Introduction to Stages of Pipeline Construction Process
- Route Survey
- Route Clearing
- Ditching
- Stringing of Pipes
- Welding of Pipes
- Non-Destructive Testing
- Field Joint Coating
- Lower-In & Backfill-In
- Pre-Commissioning Testing
- Site Restoration
Section 2: Pipeline Construction Project Management
- Activities of Pipeline Construction Procedures
- Work Procedures
- Need for Work Procedures
- ROW Clearing and Grading
- Transportation Handling and Stringing of the Pipes
- Trenching
- Cover to Pipe
- Bending
- Mainline Welding
- Standards | Codes
- Destructive Test
- Radiography
- Visual Examinations of Weld
- Joint Coating
- Pipeline Lowering In Trench
- Tie- Ins
- Types Of Crossings
- Cased Crossing
- Clean-Up and Restoration
- Air pigging Cleaning and Gauging
- Hydrostatic Testing
- Cleaning and Gauging Operation
- Markers and Valve Installation
- Caliper Survey
- Line Preservation
Participants will gain an in debt understanding of Onshore Pipeline Construction Engineering Management for Project Engineers & Managers at Level 1 & Level 2.
They will also be able to function with minimum supervision as a Pipeline Installation and Construction Project Engineer for IOCs, EPIC Pipeline Company Contractor or Vendor.
Certificate of Completion
CPD UK accredited certificate shall be issued directly from Chess Subsea Engineering Europe.
Course Fees:
Online: N 99,999 NairaOnly
Offline: N 299,999 Naira Only
Start Date
Online: 1st August 2022
(E-Learning + Live Stream Classes)
Offline: 1st August 2022
Chess Subsea Engineering Deepwater’s Training & Simulation Centre, No 5 Off Stadium Rumoula Link Road, Portharcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.
Please kindly note that we shall only attend to those who are booked online for offline training only at our facilities. All enquiry, registration and payment should be done online and not at our deepwater training facilities in Nigeria.
For Registration:
All course registration is online. Please contact directly oremail or WhatsApp us on +447946739882 (International) or +2348151453146 (Africa) directly.
Onshore & Offshore Pipeline Material Engineering (OOPME) Level 1 & Level 2
Course Purpose
To develop the highly specialized skills and knowledge in the areas of onshore & offshore pipeline material engineering at master’s level.
OOPME Level 1 & Level 2 is structured for piping engineer, who are responsible for the quality of piping material, fabrication, testing, and inspection of a project and the major activities such engineers are expected to perform.
Click here to know more online
Training Mode: Live Online Class / Class Room (options available)
OOPME Level 1 & Level 2 course explores all the major aspects of processes, technologies and systems involved in onshore & offshore pipeline material engineering including Line Pipe Fabrication Process, Submerged Arc Welded (SAW), Electrical Resistance Welded (ERW), High Frequency Induction (HFI) welded or High Frequency Welded (HFW) , Seamless i.e. without longitudinal (seam) weld, Clad Steel Plate Fabrication Process, Welded Clad Steel Fabrication Process, Large Radius Bends, Anticorrosion Coatings, Concrete Coating, Sacrificial Anodes, Field Joint Material, Flanges, Gaskets and Bolting, SSIV (Subsea Safety Insulated Valve), Insulating Joints, T & Y tees and Conical Reducer (Buttwelded Fittings) and more.
Course Outlines
Section 1: Linepipe
- Introduction to Line Pipes
- Line Pipe Fabrication Process
- Submerged Arc Welded (SAW)
- Electrical Resistance Welded (ERW)
- High Frequency Induction (HFI) welded or High Frequency Welded (HFW)
- Seamless i.e. without longitudinal (seam) weld
- ERW Pipe vs. HFI Pipe
- Plug Rolling Mill
- Pipe Production Range
- Pipe Market Segment
Section 2: Clad pipe
- Introduction to CLAD Pipe
- Clad Steel Plate Fabrication Proces
- Welded Clad Steel Fabrication Process
Section 3: Large Radius Bends
- Offshore Application
- Main Characteristics
- Main Fabrication Processes
- Hot Bend Production
Section 4: Anticorrosion Coatings
- Introduction to Anticorrosion Coatings
- Offshore Application
- Coating System Selection Criteria
- Anticorrosion Coating Main Types
- Main Characteristics
- Anticorrosion Coatings
- 3 Layer Polyethylene (3LPE)
Section 5: Concrete Coating
- Introduction to Concrete Coating
- Concrete Data Examples
Section 6: Sacrificial Anodes
- Sacrificial Anode
- Offshore Application
- Types of Anode
- Concrete Coated Pipe Anode Typical Drawing
- Anticorrosion Coated Pipe Anode Typical Drawing
Section 7: Field Joint Material
- Field Joints Coatings
- Field Joint Coating System Selection Criteria
- Anticorrosion Coated Pipe
- Concrete Coated Pipe
Section 8: Flanges, Gaskets and Bolting
- Introduction to Flanges
- Offshore Application
- Typical Flanges Materials
- Flange Types
- Carbon Steel Flanges Rating (ASME B16.5)
- Low Alloyed Steel Flanges Rating (ASME B16.5)
- Stainless Steel Flanges Rating (ASME B16.5)
- Gasket Offshore Applications
- Ring Type Joint (RJT) & FLAT (RF) Gaskets
- Stud Bolts & Nuts
Section 9: SSIV (Subsea Safety Insulated Valve) Overview
- Introduction to Subsea Safety Isolation Valve
- SSIV Station Main Components
- SSIV General Arrangement
Section 10: Insulating Joints
- Introduction to Insulation Joint
- Monolithic Dielectric Joint
Section 11: T & Y tees and Conical Reducer (Buttwelded Fittings)
- Buttwelded Fittings
- “T” and “Y” Tee
- Application of “T” and “Y” Tee
- Conical Reducer
Click here to view online
Participant underpinning knowledge of pipeline material engineering at Level 1 & Level 2 shall be accessed with short answer multiple-choice questionnaire at the conclusion of the course.
Participants will gain an in debt understanding of pipeline material engineering at Level 1 & Level 2. They will also be able to function with minimum supervision as piping engineer or piping material at graduate level for either the EPC (engineering, procurement, and construction) contractor or the operator/ end user.
Professional Certificate
CPD UK accredited certificate Issued directly by Chess Subsea Engineering Europe.
Course Fees:
Online: N149,999 NairaOnly
Offline: N349,999 Naira Only
Start Date
Online: 5th August 2022
(E-Learning + Live Stream Classes)
Offline: 5th August 2022
Chess Subsea Engineering Deepwater’s Training & Simulation Centre, No 5 Off Stadium Rumoula Link Road, Portharcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.
Please kindly note that we shall only attend to those who are booked online for offline training only at our facilities. All enquiry, registration and payment should be done online and not at our deepwater training facilities in Nigeria.
For Registration:
All course registration is online. Please contact directly oremail or WhatsApp us on +447946739882 (International) or +2348151453146 (Africa) directly.
Offshore Engineering & Technology for Technicians & Graduates (OETTG) Level 1 & Level 2
Course Purpose
To develop the highly specialized skills and knowledge required for Offshore Engineering & Technology at Level 1 to Level 2.
Offshore Engineering & Technology for Technicians & Graduates (OETTG) Level 1 & Level 2 is structured for graduate engineers or technicians working as subsea engineers, offshore engineers, integrity engineers, project engineers etc.
Click here to view online
Training Mode: Live Online Class / Class Room (options available)
This course covers Fixed Platforms, Semi-Submersible Platforms, Jack-up Platforms, Compliant Towers, Drill ship, Floating Production Systems, SPAR Platforms, Tension Leg Platforms, Maintenance and Supply, Crew, Facilities in Well Platforms, Pneumatic Control Panels, Fire and gas leakage protection system, Surface Facility Protection, Well control & Protection, SMART Wellhead Platforms, Well Monitoring and Control RTU / SCADA, Major Benefits of SCADA, Separation (Oil, Gas and Produced water) & Oil dispatch, Gas Compression & dehydration, Produced Water Conditioning, Sea water processing & injection system, Fire Detection & Suppression System, Utilities Offshore, Intelligent wells, Digital Oil Field via SCADA, Multiphase Pumping, Subsea Processing and more.
Offshore Engineering & Technology for Technicians & Graduates (OETTG) Level 1 & Level 2 is structured to bridge the needed knowledge gap at beginners to intermediate level.
Course Outline
Module 1: Platforms
- Introduction
- Fixed Platforms
- Semi-Submersible Platforms
- Jack-up Platforms
- Compliant Towers
- Drill ship
- Floating Production Systems
- SPAR Platforms
- Tension Leg Platforms
- Maintenance and Supply
- Crew
- Personnel’s
- Risk
Module 2: Wellhead Platform – Unmanned
- Facilities in Well Platforms
- Pneumatic Control Panels
- Fire and gas leakage protection system
- Surface Facility Protection
- Well control & Protection
- SMART Wellhead Platforms
Module 3: Wells
- Well Monitoring and Control RTU / SCADA
- Major Benefits of SCADA
Module 4: Processing in Offshore Process Platforms
- Separation (Oil, Gas and Produced water) & Oil dispatch
- Gas Compression & dehydration
- Produced Water Conditioning
- Sea water processing & injection system
- Fire Detection & Suppression System
- Utilities Offshore
Module 5: New Technologies
- Intelligent wells
- Digital Oil Field via SCADA
- Multiphase Pumping
- Subsea Processing
Click here to view online
Participant underpinning knowledge of Offshore Engineering & Technology will be accessed with short answer multiple-choice questionnaire at the conclusion of the course.
Participants will gain an in debt understanding of Offshore Engineering & Technology. They will also be able to function with minimum supervision as a Offshore Engineer for IOCs, subsea pipeline company contractor, vendor or installation company.
Professional Certificate
- CPD UK accredited certificate Issued directly by Chess Subsea Engineering Europe.
- Participant shall be presented for Offshore Petroleum Training Organization (OPITO) Certification.
Course Fees:
Online: N59,999 NairaOnly
Offline: N 249,999 Naira Only
Start Date
Online: 8th August 2022(E-Learning + Live Stream Classes)
Offline: 8th August 2022
Chess Subsea Engineering Deepwater’s Training & Simulation Centre, No 5 Off Stadium Rumoula Link Road, Portharcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.
Please kindly note that we shall only attend to those who are booked online for offline training only at our facilities. All enquiry, registration and payment should be done online and not at our deepwater training facilities in Nigeria.
For Registration:
All course registration is online. Please contact directly oremail or WhatsApp us on +447946739882 (International) or +2348151453146 (Africa) directly with proof of payment.
Onshore & Offshore Corrosion Engineering & Control (OOCEC) Level 1 & Level 2
To develop the highly specialized skills and knowledge required for Onshore & Offshore Corrosion Engineering & Control at Level 1 to Level 2.
Onshore & Offshore Corrosion Engineering & Control (OOCEC) Level 1 & Level 2 is structured for corrosion graduate engineers or technicians working as subsea engineers, offshore engineers, integrity engineers, project engineers etc.
Training Mode: Online (Only)
Click here to view online
This course Ship (Marine) & Machinery Corrosion, Electrochemical Cell Principle, Corrosion Rate, Parameter Influencing Corrosion Rate, Uniform Corrosion & Formation, Galvanic Corrosion & Formation, Pitting Corrosion & Formation, Crevice Corrosion & Formation, Microbiological Corrosion & Formation, Corrosion Fatigue & Formation, Stress Corrosion Cracking & Formation, Erosion Corrosion & Formation, Hydrogen Induced Cracking & Formation, Corrosion Control by Design Application Principle, Barrier Protection Application Principle, Cathodic Protection Application Principle, Use of Inhibitors Application Principle, Use of Paint & Coating Application Principle , HDG Coating Application & Inspection, Corrosion Testing Methods and more.
Onshore & Offshore corrosion Engineering & Control (OOCEC) Level 1 & Level 2 is structured to bridge the needed knowledge gap at beginners to intermediate level.
Course Outlines
Section 1: Introduction to Corrosion Engineering
- Ship (Marine) & Machinery Corrosion
- Electrochemical Cell Principle
- Corrosion Rate
- Parameter Influencing Corrosion Rate
Section 2: Corrosion Types
- Uniform Corrosion & Formation
- Galvanic Corrosion & Formation
- Pitting Corrosion & Formation
- Crevice Corrosion & Formation
- Microbiological Corrosion & Formation
- Corrosion Fatigue & Formation
- Stress Corrosion Cracking & Formation
- Erosion Corrosion & Formation
- Hydrogen Induced Cracking & Formation
Section 3: Corrosion Control Methods
- Corrosion Control by Design Application Principle
- Barrier Protection Application Principle
- Cathodic Protection Application Principle
- Use of Inhibitors Application Principle
- Use of Paint & Coating Application Principle
- HDG Coating Application & Inspection
Section 4: Corrosion Testing Methods
- Crevice Corrosion as per ASTM G48
- Pitting Corrosion as per G48
- Intergranular Corrosion as per ASTM A262
- Oxalic Acid Etch Test
- Classification of Etch Structure
- Ferric Sulfate Sulfuric Acid Test
- Nitric Acid Test
- Copper Sulfate Sulfuric Acid Test
- SCC as per ASTM G36
- SCC Test as per NACE TM077
- Hydrogen Induced Cracking Test as per NACE MR0284
- Salt Spray Test as per ASTM B117
Participant underpinning knowledge of Onshore & Offshore Corrosion Engineering & Control will be accessed with short answer multiple-choice questionnaire at the conclusion of the course.
Participants will gain an in debt understanding of Onshore & Offshore Corrosion Engineering & Control. They will also be able to function with minimum supervision as Corrosion Engineer for IOCs, subsea pipeline company contractor, vendor or installation company.
Professional Certificate
CPD UK accredited certificate Issued directly by Chess Subsea Engineering Europe.
Course Fees:
Online: N 99,999 Naira Only
Offline: N299,999 Naira Only
Start Date
Online: 11th August 2022 (E-Learning + Live Stream Classes)
Offline: 11th August 2022
Training Venue (Offline Option Only)
Chess Subsea Engineering Deepwater’s Training & Simulation Centre, No 5 Off Stadium Rumoula Link Road, Portharcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria
Please kindly note that we shall only attend to those who are booked online for offline training only at our facilities. All enquiry, registration and payment should be done online and not at our deepwater training facilities in Nigeria.
For Registration:
All course registration is online. Please contact directly or email or WhatsApp us on +447946739882 (International) or +2348151453146 (Africa) directly with proof of payment.
Wellhead Engineering for Graduate Well Engineers & Field Technicians (WHEGWEFT) Level 1
To develop the highly specialized skills and knowledge required for wellhead engineering, associated components & installation at Level 1.
Wellhead Engineering for Graduate Well Engineers & Field Technicians (WHEGWEFT) Level 1 is designed for Geologist, Graduate Transition Engineers, Subsea Engineers, Offshore Engineers, Petroleum Engineer, Well Engineers, Field Technicians and Project Engineers.
Training Mode: Live Online Class / Class Room (options available)
Click here to view online
This course covers Wellhead Assembly Configurations, Selection of Wellhead, Manufacturing, Working Pressure & Temperature, Material Class, Product Specifications Level (PSL), Casing Head, Casing Head Housing, Casing Head Spool, Casing Hanger, Tubing Head, Tubing Hanger, Test Plugs and Bowl Protectors, Seals Technology, Leveling & Cold Cutting, Welding & Weld Test, Casing Running and Hunger Set, N/U and Test BOP, Installation of Wellhead & Christmas Tree and more
WHEGWEFT Level 1 is designed to provide detailed knowledge of Wellhead Engineering along with associated components and will assist those who are switching or enhancing their career in wellhead engineering or well operations.
Course Outlines
Section 1: Wellhead Surface Equipment
- Wellhead
- X-mas Tree
- Flowline
- Control & Protection Equipment
Section 2: Wellhead Assemblies, Selection & Classification
- Wellhead Assembly Configurations
- Selection of Wellhead
- Manufacturing, Working Pressure & Temperature
- Material Class
- Product Specifications Level (PSL)
Section 3: Wellhead Components
- Casing Head
- Casing Head Housing
- Casing Head Spool
- Casing Hanger
- Tubing Head
- Tubing Hanger
Section 4: Wellhead Accessories
- Test Plugs and Bowl Protectors
- Seals Technology
Section 5: Wellhead Installation & Maintenance
- Leveling & Cold Cutting
- Welding & Weld Test
- Casing Running and Hunger Set
- N/U and Test BOP
- Installation of Wellhead & Christmas Tree
Participant underpinning knowledge of wellhead engineering, associated components & installation will be accessed with short answer multiple choice questionnaire at the conclusion of the course.
Participants will gain an in debt understanding of wellhead engineering, associated components & installation. They will also be able to function with minimum supervision as Wellhead Engineers, Well Engineer or Field Engineer for IOCs, drilling contractor or drilling procurement vendors.
Professional Certificate
CPD UK accredited certificate Issued directly by Chess Subsea Engineering Europe.
Course Fees:
Online: N 99,999 Naira Only
Offline: N 299,999 Naira Only
Start Date
Online: 15th August 2022 (E-Learning + Live Stream Classes)
Offline: 15th August 2022
Training Venue (Offline Option Only)
Chess Subsea Engineering Deepwater’s Training & Simulation Centre, No 5 Off Stadium Rumoula Link Road, Portharcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria
Please kindly note that we shall only attend to those who are booked online for offline training only at our facilities. All enquiry, registration and payment should be done online and not at our deepwater training facilities in Nigeria.
For Registration:
All course registration is online. Please contact directly or email or WhatsApp us on +447946739882 (International) or +2348151453146 (Africa) directly with proof of payment.
Onshore & Offshore Production Platform Well Completion & Stimulation (OOPPWCS) Level 1
Course Purpose
To develop the highly specialized skills and knowledge required for Onshore & Offshore Production Platform Well Completion & Stimulation at Level 1 to Level 2.
Onshore & Offshore Production Platform Well Completion & Stimulation (OOPPWCS) Level 1 is designed for Geologists, Petroleum Engineers, Well Site Engineer, Offshore Engineers, Cementing Engineers, Technicians & Subsea Engineers.
Training Mode:Live Online Class / Class Room (options available)
Click here to view online
This course covers Well Completion, Setting Production Casing, Installing the Tubing, Installing the Christmas Tree, Types of Well Completion, Factors Influencing Well Completion Selection, Type of Flow, Completion and Workover Fluids, Perforating, Well Stimulation and more.
This course is designed to provide detailed knowledge of Onshore & Offshore Production Platform Well Completion & Stimulation and will assist those who are switching or enhancing there career in Oil & Gas Well Completion Engineering.
Course Outlines
- What is Well Completion
- Setting Production Casing
- Installing the Tubing
- Installing the Christmas Tree
- Types of Well Completion
- Factors Influencing Well Completion Selection
- Type of Flow
- Completion and Workover Fluids
- Perforating
- Well Stimulation
Participant underpinning knowledge of Oil & Gas Well Completion and Stimulation Engineering will be accessed with short answer multiple-choice questionnaire at the conclusion of the course.
Participants will gain an in debt understanding of Oil & Gas Well Completion Engineering. They will also be able to function with minimum supervision as Wellsite Engineer, Cementing Engineer or Geologist for IOCs.
Professional Certificate
CPD UK accredited certificate Issued directly by Chess Subsea Engineering Europe.
Course Fees:
Online: N 59,999 Naira Only
Offline: N 249,000 Naira Only
Start Date
Online: 18th August 2022 (E-Learning + Live Stream Classes)
Offline: 18th August 2022
Training Venue (Offline Option Only)
Chess Subsea Engineering Deepwater’s Training & Simulation Centre, No 5 Off Stadium Rumoula Link Road, Portharcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria
Please kindly note that we shall only attend to those who are booked online for offline training only at our facilities. All enquiry, registration and payment should be done online and not at our deepwater training facilities in Nigeria.
For Registration:
All course registration is online. Please contact directly or email or WhatsApp us on +447946739882 (International) or +2348151453146 (Africa) directly with proof of payment.
Well Engineering and Construction for Graduate & Field Technicians (WECGFT) Level 1
To develop the highly specialized skills and knowledge required for well engineering and construction operations at Level 1.
Well Engineering and Construction for Graduate & Field Technicians (WECGFT) Level 1 is designed for Geologist, Graduate Transition Engineers, Subsea Engineers, Offshore Engineers, Petroleum Engineer, Well Engineers, Field Technicians and Project Engineers.
Training Mode: Live Online Class / Class Room (options available)
Click here to view online
This course covers Formation Pressure, Density & Specific Gravity, Hydrostatic Pressure, Hydrostatic Pressure in Drilling Wells, Weight Materials & Material Balance, Pore Pressure Gradient, Porosity & Permeability, Overburden Pressure & Compaction Theory, Abnormal Pressure, Normal Pressure and Abnormal Under pressure, Origin of Overpressure Formations, Fracture Pressure, Estimating Fracture Pressure, Measuring Fracture Pressure, Leak Off Test (LOT), Top Down Casing Design, Bottom Up Casing Design, Drill String Components, Casing Sizes, Well Drilling Operations Sequence, Types of Offshore and Onshore Drilling Rigs, Drilling Rig Major Components, Well Drilling Operations and Cementing and more
WECGFT Level 1 is designed to provide detailed knowledge of well engineering and construction operation’s and will assist those who are switching or enhancing there career in well engineering or well operations.
Course Outlines
Section 1: Introduction to Well Engineering
- Introduction to Well Engineering
- Origin of Overpressure Formations
- Formation Fracture Pressure
- Casing Design Process
Section 2: Well Construction
- Drilling Procedures
- Drill String Components
- Casing Sizes
- Well Drilling Operations Sequence
Section 3: Drilling Rigs Types
- Offshore Drilling Rigs
- Onshore Drilling Rigs
Section 4: Drilling Rig Major Components
- Hoisting System and Associated Equipment
- Circulating System and Associated Equipment
- Rotary System and Associated Equipment
- Drill Bits and Types
Section 5: Well Drilling Operations and Cementing
- Conductor Hole Section Drilling Sequence and Operation
- Surface Hole Section Drilling Sequence and Operation
- Intermediate Hole Section Drilling Sequence and Operation
- Production Hole Section Drilling Sequence and Operation
- Cementing
- Well Completion Operation after Well Drilling
- Christmas Tree and Wellheads Profile
Participant underpinning knowledge of well engineering & construction will be accessed with short answer multiple choice questionnaire at the conclusion of the course.
Participants will gain an in debt understanding of well engineering and construction operations. They will also be able to function with minimum supervision as Well Engineer or Field Engineer for IOCs, drilling contractor or drilling procurement vendors.
Professional Certificate
Issued directly by Chess Subsea Engineering Europe.
Course Fees:
Online: N 69,999 Naira Only
Offline: N 265,000 Naira Only
Start Date
Online: 19th August 2022 (E-Learning + Live Stream Classes)
Offline: 19th August 2022
Training Venue (Offline Option Only)
Chess Subsea Engineering Deepwater’s Training & Simulation Centre, No 5 Off Stadium Rumoula Link Road, Portharcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria
Please kindly note that we shall only attend to those who are booked online for offline training only at our facilities. All enquiry, registration and payment should be done online and not at our deepwater training facilities in Nigeria.
For Registration:
All course registration is online. Please contact directly or email or WhatsApp us on +447946739882 (International) or +2348151453146 (Africa) directly with proof of payment.
Oil & Gas Geology Exploration Engineering for Field Technicians & Engineers (OOGE) Level 1 & Level 2
Course Purpose
To develop the highly specialized skills and knowledge required for Oil & Gas Geology Exploration Engineering at Level 1 to Level 2.
Oil & Gas Geology Exploration Engineering for Field Technicians & Engineers (OOGE) Level 1 & Level 2 is designed for Geologists, Petroleum Engineers, Well Site Engineer, Offshore Engineers & Subsea Engineers.
Training Mode: Live Online Class / Class Room (options available)
Click here to view online
This course covers Oil & Gas Geology, Rock Types & Formation, Parameters Controlling Petroleum Occurrence, Migration of Petroleum, Entrapment of Petroleum, Oil Exploration Methods and more.
This course is designed to provide detailed knowledge of Oil & Gas Geology Exploration Engineering for Field Technicians & Engineers and will assist those who are switching or enhancing their career in Oil & Gas Geology Exploration Engineering.
Course Outlines
- Introduction to Oil & Gas Geology
- Rock Types & Formation
- Parameters Controlling Petroleum Occurrence
- Migration of Petroleum
- Entrapment of Petroleum
- Oil Exploration Methods
Participant underpinning knowledge of Oil & Gas Geology Exploration Engineering will be accessed with short answer multiple-choice questionnaire at the conclusion of the course.
Participants will gain an in debt understanding of Oil & Gas Geology Exploration. They will also be able to function with minimum supervision as Wellsite Engineer or Geologist for IOCs.
Professional Certificate
CPD UK accredited certificate Issued directly by Chess Subsea Engineering Europe.
Course Fees:
Online: N 49,999 Naira Only
Offline: N150,000 Naira Only
Start Date
Online: 22nd August 2022(E-Learning + Live Stream Classes)
Offline: 22nd August 2022
Training Venue (Offline Option Only)
Chess Subsea Engineering Deepwater’s Training & Simulation Centre, No 5 Off Stadium Rumoula Link Road, Portharcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria
Please kindly note that we shall only attend to those who are booked online for offline training only at our facilities. All enquiry, registration and payment should be done online and not at our deepwater training facilities in Nigeria.
For Registration:
All course registration is online. Please contact directly or email or WhatsApp us on +447946739882 (International) or +2348151453146 (Africa) directly with proof of payment.
Oil & Gas Rock Fluid Properties Engineering for Master Class for Field Technicians & Engineers (OORF) Level 1 & Level 2
To develop the highly specialized skills and knowledge required for Oil & Gas Rock Fluid Properties Engineering at Level 1 to Level 2.
Oil & Gas Rock Fluid Properties Engineering for Master Class for Field Technicians & Engineers (OORF) Level 1 & Level 2 is designed for Geologists, Petroleum Engineers, Well Site Engineer, Offshore Engineers, Formation Evaluation Engineers, Technicians & Subsea Engineers.
Training Mode: Live Online Class / Class Room (options available)
Click here to view online
This course covers Rock Characteristics, Porosity, Permeability, Rock & Fluid Interaction, Type of Reservoirs, Type of Reservoir Drive Mechanism and more.
This course is designed to provide detailed knowledge of Oil & Gas Rock Fluid Properties Engineering for Field Technicians & Engineers and will assist those who are switching or enhancing their career in Oil & Gas Rock Fluid Properties Engineering.
Course Outlines
- Rock Characteristics
- Porosity
- Permeability
- Rock & Fluid Interaction
- Type of Reservoirs
- Type of Reservoir Drive Mechanism
Participant underpinning knowledge of Oil & Gas Rock Fluid Properties Engineering will be accessed with short answer multiple-choice questionnaire at the conclusion of the course.
Participants will gain an in debt understanding of Oil & Gas Rock Fluid Properties Engineering. They will also be able to function with minimum supervision as Wellsite Engineer or Geologist for IOCs.
Professional Certificate
CPD UK accredited certificate Issued directly by Chess Subsea Engineering Europe.
Course Fees:
Online: N 49,999 Naira Only
Offline: N 250,000 Naira Only
Start Date
Online: 22nd August 2022(E-Learning + Live Stream Classes)
Offline: 22nd August 2022
Chess Subsea Engineering Deepwater’s Training & Simulation Centre, No 5 Off Stadium Rumoula Link Road, Portharcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.
Please kindly note that we shall only attend to those who are booked online for offline training only at our facilities. All enquiry, registration and payment should be done online and not at our deepwater training facilities in Nigeria.
For Registration:
All course registration is online. Please contact directly or email or WhatsApp us on +447946739882 (International) or +2348151453146 (Africa) directly with proof of payment.
Petroleum Engineering Master Class for Field Technicians & Engineers (OOPE) Level 1 & Level 2
To develop the highly specialized skills and knowledge required for petroleum engineering mastery at Level 1 to Level 2.
Petroleum Engineering Master Class for Field Technicians & Engineers (PEBMCFTE) Level 1 to Level 2 is designed for Petroleum Engineers, Offshore Engineers & Subsea Engineers.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course students will be able to:
- Understand what petroleum Engineering entails.
- Describe how Petroleum is formed and its compositions.
- Describe fractional distillation processes of crude oil.
- Narrate history oil and gas in Nigeria and NNPC Business Units.
- Describe Production Sharing Contract in Nigeria
Training Mode: Live Online Class / Class Room (options available)
Click here to view online
This course covers Generation of Petroleum, What Petroleum Means, Generation of Petroleum, Chemical Composition of Petroleum, Petroleum Products, Fractional Distillation, The First Oil Wells, History of Oil in Nigeria, Production Sharing Contract and more.
OOPE Level 1 & Level 2 is designed to provide detailed knowledge of petroleum engineering for field technicians & engineers and will assist those who are switching or enhancing there career in petroleum engineering.
Course Outlines
- What is Petroleum Engineering?
- What Does Petroleum Mean?
- Generation of Petroleum
- Chemical Composition of Petroleum
- Petroleum Products
- Fractional Distillation
- The First Oil Wells
- History of Oil in Nigeria
- Production Sharing Contract
Participant underpinning knowledge of Petroleum Engineering will be accessed with short answer multiple-choice questionnaire at the conclusion of the course.
Participants will gain an in debt understanding of Petroleum Engineering. They will also be able to function with minimum supervision as Petroleum Engineer for IOCs.
Professional Certificate
CPD accredited certificate Issued directly by Chess Subsea Engineering Europe.
Course Fees:
Online: N 49,999 Naira Only
Offline: N250,000 Naira Only
Start Date
Online: 25th August 2022(E-Learning + Live Stream Classes)
Offline: 25th August 2022
Chess Subsea Engineering Deepwater’s Training & Simulation Centre, No 5 Off Stadium Rumoula Link Road, Portharcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.
Please kindly note that we shall only attend to those who are booked online for offline training only at our facilities. All enquiry, registration and payment should be done online and not at our deepwater training facilities in Nigeria.
For Registration:
All course registration is online. Please contact directly or email or WhatsApp us on +447946739882 (International) or +2348151453146 (Africa) directly with proof of payment.
Computational Fluid Dynamics with ANSYS Fluent Master Class (CFDMC) Level 1 to Level 2
To develop the highly specialized skills and knowledge required for Computational Fluid Dynamics with ANSYS Fluent Master Class at Level 1 & Level 2.
CFDMC Level 1 to Level 2 is meant for mechanical, structural, civil, offshore, subsea, project engineers, post graduate engineering student along with those working in an engineering product design & testing environment and seek to expand their activities to include Computational Fluid Dynamics of engineering systems.
Training Mode: Live Online Class / Class Room (options available)
Click here to view online
Using CFD, you are able to analyze complex problems involving fluid-fluid, fluid-solid or fluid-gas interaction. Engineering fields where CFD analyses are frequently used are for example aerodynamics and hydrodynamics, where quantities such as lift and drag or field properties as pressures and velocities are obtained.
CFDMC Level 1 to Level 2 covers Fluid Dynamics, Use of CFD, Applications of CFD, CFD Working Mechanism, Modeling Governing Equation, Types of CFD Codes, CFD Algorithm, CFD Analysis using GAMBIT & FLUENT, Basic Steps of CFD Analysis, Defining Model Goals, Identify Domain you will Model, Designing and Creating the Grid, Setting Up Numerical Model, Computing the Solutions, Examining the Results, Tools to Examine the Result, Hands on Workshop on Laminar Fluid Flow in Pipeline with ANSYS FLUENT and more.
This course is designed to provide detailed knowledge of computational fluid dynamics and will assist those who are switching or enhancing their career in this sector.
Course Outlines
Section 1: Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Fluid Dynamics
- What is CFD
- Why Use CFD
- Applications of CFD
- How CFD Works
- Modeling Governing Equation
- Types of CFD codes
- CFD Algorithm
- CFD Analysis using GAMBIT & FLUENT
- Basic Steps of CFD Analysis
- Define your Model Goals
- Identify the Domain you will Model
- Design and Create the Grid
- Set Up Numerical Model
- Compute the Solutions
- Examine the Results
- Tools to Examine the Result
- Advantages of CFD
- Limitations of CFD
Section 2: Workshop on Laminar Fluid Flow in Pipelinewith ANSYS FLUENT
Problem Definition
- Identify CFD Deliverables
- Evaluate accuracy and cost requirements
- Identify CFD Domain
- CAD model and Cleanup
- Meshing
- Setup material, model
- Boundary, Initial Conditions
- Solver setup
- Convergence and Flow Monitors
Post Processing
- Examine results
Participant underpinning knowledge of computational fluid dynamics will be accessed with short answer multiple-choice questionnaire and real time simulation using ANSYS Fluent for Laminar Fluid Flow in a pipeline at the conclusion of the course.
Participants will gain an in debt understanding of computational fluid dynamics at beginners to intermediate level. In addition; be able to analyze complex problems involving fluid-fluid, fluid-solid or fluid-gas interaction.
Professional Certificate
CPD UK accredited certificate Issued directly by Chess Subsea Engineering Europe.
Course Fees:
Online: N 285,000 Naira Only
Offline: N489,999 Naira Only
Start Date
Online: 30th August 2022 (E-Learning + Live Stream Classes)
Offline: 30th August 2022
Chess Subsea Engineering Deepwater’s Training & Simulation Centre, No 5 Off Stadium Rumoula Link Road, Portharcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.
Please kindly note that we shall only attend to those who are booked online for offline training only at our facilities. All enquiry, registration and payment should be done online and not at our deepwater training facilities in Nigeria.
For Registration:
All course registration is online. Please contact directly or email or WhatsApp us on +447946739882 (International) or +2348151453146 (Africa) directly with proof of payment.
ACCOUNT NO: 2031711533 (CURRENT)
Chess Subsea professional on the job training (OJT) modules are geared towards detailed understanding of fixed & floating systems, subsea production system, wellheads and well control. It also focuses on Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) of these systems and its integrity management.
We are the preferred ideal solution for on-boarding competence engineering training and on the job subsea operations familiarization, and a perfect start for building your subsea career.
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