Child loses arm and mother injured in Egypt shark attack
The Ukrainian tourists were attacked by a shark while swimming in the Ras Mohammed National Reserve on Sunday, Ukraine’s state agency for tourism development said in a statement.The tourists were rushed to Sharm International Hospital for treatment: the mother had deep bite wounds, while the child had an amputated upper limb below the elbow and suffered deep wounds on his back, the statement said, citing the Ukrainian embassy in Egypt.Alll activities have been suspended in the vicinity of the Sharm El-Sheikh Ras Mohammed diving spot, Egypt’s state-run Al-Ahram news agency reported Tuesday.Five people, including the two Ukrainian tourists and one tour guide, were injured in the attack, according to Al-Ahram. The shark was an oceanic whitetip, estimated to be two meters in length, Al-Ahram reported, citing a task group formed by the country’s environment minister to investigate the attack.The group said that a video shot underwater in the area of the attack showed the shark’s “abnormal behavior characterized by hostilities against humans,” Al-Ahram reported.