Conde Nast, Cup team Stars+Stripes strike documentary deal

LONG BEACH, Calif. (AP) — Conde Nast Entertainment has signed a development deal with Stars Stripes USA for an unscripted show that will follow the coed, all-American sailing team in its America’s Cup campaign.
The documentary series will explore the boat design and building process, crew selection and the challenges the syndicate has faced.
CNE produced “Fastest Car” and the Emmy-nominated “Last Chance U,” both of which were in the top 10 most binge-watched Netflix series of 2018.
Stars Stripes co-founder and CEO Mike Buckley said the team is excited to give the public an inside look at the sport.
Buckley said the team hopes to launch its new AC75 boat by early next year and has a core sailing team in place. Co-founder and helmsman Taylor Canfield is training on a simulator and competed in SailGP’s inaugural season.