Consultant – Development of Context Analysis at Oxfam

Oxfam is an international confederation of 17 organizations (affiliates) committed to creating a just world without poverty. In Nigeria Oxfam works in the areas of Economic Justice/Sustainable Livelihoods, Humanitarian Programming to save lives, Advancing Gender Justice and Good Governance, adopting a right based approach.
We are recruiting to fill the position of:
Job Title: Consultant – Development of Context Analysis
Location: Nigeria
Introduction and Justification for the Analyses
- After all Oxfam affiliates (Oxfam Novib, Oxfam Great Britain, Oxfam Quebec, and Oxfam America) operating in Nigeria were consolidated into the One Oxfam structure, the Oxfam Country Strategy (OCS) 2015-2019 was developed.
- The vision of Oxfam in Nigeria is a ‘secure and prosperous country, where the benefits from economic growth are shared so the basic needs of all people are met; where the rights of women are respected; where all people, especially the youth, can participate in decision making and influence the policies that impact on their lives; and where public and private sector institutions are accountable and transparent.
- The OCS fashioned out of that vision has four strategic goals: a) Saving Lives b) Sustainable Income for the Poor c)Transform Attitudes about Women’s Right and d) Increase Active Citizenship and Accountability of Public and Private Sectors. The implementation of the OCS is coming to an end in September, 2020.
Objective(s) of the Context Analysis:
- The primary outcome that Oxfam generally seeks is to end the inequalities that drive poverty and injustice. The primary aim of the context analysis is to provide an analysis of the conditions that create extreme poverty and injustice using Oxfam’s conceptual framework in order to contribute to a Nigeria without inequality.
- The analysis will help identify effective program options to effectively and sustainably fight inequality to beat extreme poverty and injustice in Nigeria. Oxfam identifies risk and vulnerability, and inequality as the key causes and maintainers of extreme poverty. This context analysis will therefore x-ray the power relationships between and within the power blocks and other stakeholders.
- The power analysis will show power and resource distribution pattern across geographies, groups (ethnic, religious and traditional leaders, etc), private/public sector, gender, civil societies, etc. It will highlight what proportion of Nigerians are in control of the Nigeria wealth. It will show power equation between the large corporates and the rural communities where they operate.
- The context analysis will support Oxfam Nigeria in the crafting of its Theory-of-Change (ToC), analyze the existing gender and power dynamics that influence and impact our work, provide a social and political analysis, power analysis and unique value proposition.
- The context analysis will identify the changes, how they happen and the change drivers and the change-makers and provide strategic steers for Oxfam Nigeria in the development of OCS 2020-2025.
The key areas of focus for Oxfam are to identity:
- Who are the extreme poor in this context and where are they? Why are they poor?
- What keeps them in extreme poverty? What opportunities are available to extremely poor people? What poverty alleviation programmes are being implemented, with what success?
- What needs to change, what is already happening? What are the needs to be prioritized and what objectives can Oxfam work with for future programmes in Nigeria?
- How change happens in Nigeria? Who are the key players, what influences them and how do they get influenced?
- Who are the change-makers in Nigeria and how to work with them.
Application Closing Date
Not Specified.
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