Consultant, EU-TAC End of Project Evaluation at WaterAid Nigeria

WaterAid is an international non-for-profit organization dedicated to helping people break free from poverty and disease, unlock their potential and change their lives for good through improved access to clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene. WaterAid started its operation in Nigeria in 1995. Since then it has successfully executed several intervention programmes as outlined by its objectives and has made impact in the lives of the very poor. WaterAid with the country office in Abuja currently works in Bauchi, Enugu and Plateau States with funding from various donors and partners.
We are recruiting to fill the position below:
Job Title: EU-TAC End of Project Evaluation Consultant
Location: Abuja
EU-TAC End-of-Project Evaluation for July 2018- April 2020
- WaterAid Nigeria collaborates with partners to develop models, strengthen institutional capacities, secure changes in policies and practices and influence decision makers for enhanced sector governance and performance. We work with local authorities and the national Government to set standards for water and sanitation systems, promoting good sanitation and hygiene practices to communities and schools to ensure lasting changes.
- WANG partners with experts and communities to set up cost effective and sustainable projects using simple, suitable and durable technology that can be managed by the communities themselves and that will last long into the future, helping to support health, education and livelihood. We work with local implementing partners to provide sustainable services and train Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Committees (WASHCOMS) and local artisans. We seek to achieve sustainable and transformative change for citizens on these basic human needs by working with other key sectors to integrate water, sanitation and hygiene into their development plans and strategic priorities
- Our ifluencing work is aimed at making decision makers and governments to increase their commitment to providing these basic services for all. We have also continued to develop effective systems for accountability, management and good governance that promote learning, innovation, sustainability and ethical working practices.
Project Background
- The 2-year, EU–funded Technical Assistance to Civil Society Organisations (EU -TAC) project is aimed at improving the capacity of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to drive the governance of public sector Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) service delivery in Plateau state and in Riyom and Shendam Local Government Areas (LGA). This is expected to be achieved by continuous training and coaching of the Civil Society Organizations to understand policy development, support development of sector documents, participate in governance processes, train community structures on WASH rights demand, implement electoral advocacy campaign, and facilitate budget advocacy.
The three main objectives of the project are;
- CSOs have improved capacity to implement relevant sections of the state Water Resources and Sanitation policy
- CSO networks and their members effectively support Plateau State WASH sector institutions to fulfil their mandates as outlined in the Water Resources and Sanitation policy
- CSOs support communities in Riyom and Shendam LGA to achieve improved water and sanitation governance.
- WaterAid is implementing this project in partnership with its co-applicant NEWSAN and other associate applicants –CBD-NGO and WASHMEDIA.
Scope and Focus of the Evaluation
- WaterAid as a beneficiary of the EU Technical Assistance to CSOs grant to implement WSSSRP III, is required to submit to the contracting authority- National Authorizing Officer an end of project evaluation report after the submission of the final report. However, the purpose of this end of project evaluation is to assess WaterAid and Co-Applicant’s achievements and learning; compliance to the terms and conditions set out in the program design, implementation and results.
- In addition, the evaluation will look at the Project Management in terms of Project activities, reflection of coordination engagements between WaterAid, Co-Applicants and Associates with the WASH stakeholders. It should reflect the results achieved and partnerships established as well as issues on capacity and approach.
- The evaluation will consider the following criteria from WaterAid’s Global Evaluation Policy where relevant to each of the objectives above. It is not expected that all the criteria will be applied to each objective.
- Contextual relevance assesses the appropriateness of the intervention design and approach in addressing the identified problems, considering the implementation context.
- Results measures the extent to which an intervention has achieved or is likely to achieve its intended, immediate results, i.e. the outputs and outcomes. It also includes identification of major reasons for achievement or non-achievement of results, and key lessons to inform further implementation or future interventions.
- WaterAid added value and synergy assesses what WaterAid contributes to the work that is unique to WaterAid; its role and capacity; and the extent to which our interventions complement interventions from other actors.
- Coherence focuses on the extent to which an intervention contributes to WaterAid’s mission and vision. It assesses the coherence between intervention, country programme and global strategy.
- Transformative change assesses the potential for, or contribution and progress made in, achieving lasting solutions and behaviour changes through assessing the (a) catalytic effect, (b) scalability and (c) sustainability of interventions.
- The Consultant is responsible for delivering on this task in line with Water Aid’s evaluation criteria and agreed-upon procedures as specified in this TOR and submitting a detailed report of findings to WaterAid.
Methodology for Evaluation
The evaluation will provide quantitative and qualitative data which should follow methods such as desk review, in-depth interviews, Focus Group or Key Informant discussions with relevant stakeholders and Partners, field visits (using a checklist and discussion guide) etc.
Evaluation questions such as:
- Did the project design help in ensuring sustainable outcomes? Where the objectives consistent with the priorities and evolving needs of the WASH Sector in Plateau State?
- Did the quality of activities, delivered by the project meet the needs and expectations of the partners & beneficiaries?
- Was the project partnership approach effective in developing the capacity of a broad range of civil society working on WASH in Plateau State
- How have the participation and sector relevance of civil society changed since the project’s delivery? Did the project and partnerships adapt well to these changes
- Did the project have the right range of interventions and modalities in terms of addressing constraints to improving civil society participation and leadership in WASH sector governance in Plateau State?
- What do beneficiaries and partners feel could be improved in improving local capacity?
- Was the combination of Rights Based Approaches, Capacity Development and Sector Coordination support used during project delivery achieve the best possible value for money, looking at benefits vs. costs?
- What aspects of the project could be done differently next time to cut costs while still delivering similar or better achievements?
- How successful was the EU-TAC in achieving its planned results at both outcomes and impact levels?
- Are implementing partners better off in knowledge, skills and experience than they were at the beginning of the project?
- Were activities and their delivery methods effective? Were there aspects that could have been done differently?
- What aspects of the project achieved relatively more or less results than originally intended?
- Did the assumptions of the project design and delivery lead or delayed achievement of planned results?
- Were the programme management approaches used for EU-TAC at both state (partners) and national (WaterAid) ideal for results achievement? What could have been done better?
- To what extent, was the project participatory from design to delivery?
- How were marginalised populations included in the project design, delivery and in beneficiary targeting?
- What were the most effective approaches to such inclusion and what negative effects/consequences or constraints were observed?
- Were any adaptations made during implementation to improve the participation of marginalised populations?
- Were the project design and interventions timely in responding to the needs on the ground?
- Were project activities timely implemented in comparison to project planning?
- Were funds available in time during implementation of the activities to deliver planned activities and/or respond to new developments?
- To what extent did the collaboration WaterAid and State Partners contributed to efficient and timely coordination of logistic activities and processes, and what were the constraints in collaboration & communication between the two parties?
Transformative change:
- What has changed, both positively and negatively, as a result of EU-TAC in WASH Governance and service delivery in Plateau state (and at local levels)?
- What were the direct or indirect, intended or unintended effects of EU-TAC at all levels?
- What was the extent to which the EU-TAC project contributed to any negative effects/consequences?
- How likely is it that beneficiaries will continue to see benefits in the project focus areas following close-out?
- How capable are civil society systems and structures to support the project focus areas without external funding?
- What motivations /mechanisms exist for partners to sustain the outcomes and impacts of the project?
- Is there evidence that EU-TAC initiatives are likely to grow – scaling up and out – beyond the project life?
Expected Deliverables:
- An Inception Report Outlining the Key Scope of work, intended Work plan of the Evaluation, evaluation Questions, it should also contain the evaluators understanding of the what, why and how of the Evaluation, appropriate data collection tools and detailed budget.
- A draft Comprehensive report of all findings (max. 40 pages) in MS Office and PDF for final and in English
- A summary in a WaterAid NG template that will be an internal document
- A final Report with an Executive summary.
- PowerPoint presentation of findings and readiness to deliver presentation to both WaterAid staff and at close-out/learning event.
- The end of Project Evaluation should commence on the 27th April 2020 and is expected to be completed and report provided by the Consultant to WaterAid (Program Directorate) within Fourteen (14) working days
- The report submission would be in two stages – presentation of findings to the Head of Programs and provide clarifications where necessary after which a final report will be addressed to the Country Director.
Required Qualification and Expertise
The Consultant shall have the following expertise and qualification:
- At least Master’s degree in Public Health, International Development Studies, or a related Social Sciences field
- Proven expertise, knowledge and experience in conducting programme evaluation and at least 5 years’ experience in working with international development organisations relating to WASH (NGOs, Bilateral or Multilaterals).
- Experience and knowledge of international and country level implementation of aid effectiveness.
- Relevant subject matter knowledge and experience regarding the thematic areas of this project (civil society engagement, capacity improvement projects, social accountability)
- Knowledge of EU processes and regulations
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English
- Demonstrate understanding of working in Northern region of the country. Ability to speak Hausa an advantage
- Highly developed self-management, and communication skills (with beneficiaries, senior government officials and civil society stakeholders)
- Action-oriented and evidence-based approach and strong drive for results
- Strong understanding of development and evaluation ethics and a commitment to ethical working practices
Engagement of Consultant:
- The Consultant must clearly state the methodology he/she would adopt in carrying out the end of project verification exercise. Also, the Consultant must submit a detailed work plan on how he intends to conduct the assignment with a detailed costed budget.
- WaterAid will use its internal guidance, checklists and an interview process to select the successful consultant.
Application Closing Date
14th April, 2020.
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