Consultant – Monitoring and Evaluation (M & E) Support at Palladium Group

Palladium is a global leader in the design, development and delivery of Positive Impact – the intentional creation of enduring social and economic value. We work with foundations, investors, governments, corporations, communities and civil society to formulate strategies and implement solutions that generate lasting social, environmental and financial benefits.
We invite applications from suitably qualified candidates for the position below:
Job Title: Consultant for Provision of Monitoring and Evaluation (M & E) Support to Improved Accountability of National Emergency Maternal and Child Health Intervention Centre (NEMCHIC) M & E Working Group to Carry Out NEMCHIC M & E Program Activities
Subject RFP#: TO2 / 217727 / Consultancy / Fixed Price Contract-2021-0004
Location: Nigeria
Project: Integrated Health Program
- The Integrated Health Program (IHP) is a USAID-funded five-year project with a mandate to improve health systems, improve access to and increase quality of primary health care in designated states (Kebbi, Bauchi, Sokoto, Ebonyi and FCT).
- The goal of IHP is to contribute to state–level reductions in child and maternal morbidity and mortality and to increase the capacity of health systems to sustainably support quality primary health care services.
- IHP provides technical assistance (TA) to Federal Ministry of Health, National Primary Healthcare Development Agency as well as Bauchi, Kebbi and Sokoto States Ministries of Health (SMOH) and State Primary Health Care Development Agency (SPHCDA) to strengthen systems while collaborating with others like Breakthrough Action-Nigeria (BA-N) and Global Health Supply Chain –Procurement and Supply Management (GHSCPSM) to increase demand for PHC services and improve access to essential commodities respectively to deliver high-impact integrated RMNCH+NM services in the States.
- Through this consultancy IHP will support the NPHCDA in its role in the provision of technical and programmatic support to states, LGAs, and other stakeholders in the planning, implementation, functioning, supervision and monitoring of PHC services in Nigeria
- The NPHCDA established the National Emergency Maternal and Child Health Intervention Centre (NEMCHIC) as a coordinating platform to respond to the emergency facing Maternal and child Health care provision in the country.
- The NEMCHIC identified six high impact interventions/strategies that would result in rapid reduction of maternal and child mortality. These interventions are:
- The Reach Every Ward with Skilled Birth Attendants strategy to address the delay in receiving adequate care
- The CHIPS program and community engagement framework for RMNCAH +N to address delay in deciding to seek care
- The Maternal, Newborn and Child Emergency Transport System to address the delay in reaching care
- Service Quality Utilization and Tracking system as a redress mechanism to improve quality of care
- Community Maternal Perinatal Death Surveillance and Response to promote accountability
- Palladium invites applications from suitably qualified individual consultants to provide technical support to the NPHCDA in its role in the provision of technical and programmatic support to states, LGAs, and other stakeholders in the planning, implementation, functioning, supervision and monitoring of PHC services in Nigeria through the National Emergency Maternal and Child Health Intervention Centre (NEMCHIC) as a coordinating platform to respond to the emergency facing Maternal and child Health care provision in the country.
- In this Request for Proposal, Palladium expects offerors to develop a custom solution and proposal to Palladium for consideration. Bidders are required to provide justification for the work proposed or methodology to be adopted. This will be a Best Value procurement.
- The Consultant will support improve accountability of the NEMCHIC M&E working group to carry out NEMCHIC M&E program activities including review and implementation of NEMCHIC M&E plan, reviewing the M&E indicators, setting up database and linking same to the NEMCHIC dashboard.
- S/he will oversee data validation, quality assurance of data, creating of database, data analysis and reporting.
- S/he will build the capacity of NPHCDA staff in NEMCHIC M&E, including supportive supervision, support regular reviews, and provide insights in research.
- The consultant shall attend NEMCHIC, RMNCAH+N and other related meetings and make inputs as deemed necessary.
Type of Contract
- This is a firm fixed price deliverable-based contract. The consultant is expected to satisfactorily accomplish the deliverables before he/she gets paid for that deliverable.
- The IHP Chief of Party reserves the right to confirm if a deliverable is delivered adequately or otherwise. No price change is expected after contract is signed. IHP will not pay for cost of any deliverable that is not complete, of quality or on time.
Anticipated Contract Term
- The anticipated performance period for the consultancy is June to September 2021. As afirmfixed price consultancy based on deliverables, Palladium will only pay for deliverables that have met the standards and expectations of the program and which is also delivered within assigned timelines.
Roles and Responsibilities
- The Consultant will support and improve accountability of the NEMCHIC M&E working group to carry out NEMCHIC M&E program activities including review and implementation of NEMCHIC M&E plan, reviewing the M&E indicators, upgrade thedatabase and link same to the NEMCHIC dashboard.
- S/he will oversee data validation,quality assurance of data, creating of database, data analysis and reporting.
- S/he will build the capacity of NPHCDA staff in NEMCHIC M&E, including supportive supervision, support regular reviews, and provide insights in research.
- The consultant shall attend NEMCHIC, RMNCAH+N and other related meetings and make inputs as deemed necessary
Specific Task
- Review and improve on existing data management tools, systems, dashboards, analytic frameworks and innovations to ensure continuous and harmonized data collection, validation and analysis for monitoring and evaluation of program performance to improve accountability of results and target at the state and local government level
- Conduct training of NECMCHIC M and E staff on the use the dashboard
- Support the monitoring and evaluation of NEMCHIC and SEMCHIC activities through reviewing work plans, reports, initiating data reviews, and contributing to program evaluations.Collate, track and analyse key performance indicators for RMNCAH + N activities to identify gaps, bottlenecks and link to action tracker forfeedback to relevant players.
- Prepare guidelines for monitoring of RMNCAH+N performance in states, including maternal mortality and Perinatal Mortality Death Review and surveillance
- Ensure availability of high-quality routine RMNCAH+N data on key NEMCHIC performance indicator accountability dashboard by routinely reviewing the dashboard and providing feedback to the lower level on identified data quality issues.Conduct monthly data review for feedback to national Program and states.Support institutionalization of feedback mechanism across all levels –National, State, LGA, and health facility.Continuation of M&E support to NEMCHIC and SEMCHIC as contained in Milestone two.
- Write a final report of all activities, deliverables and how the deliverables improved accountability of NEMCHIC and SEMCHIC results and led to improved MNH indicators and or activities in IHP-supported States.
- NEMCHIC database, data management tools analytic framework,and accountability dashboard modified to be more functional, automated,and linked to the primary data sources.
- Evidence of stakeholders buy-in or acceptability of the dashboard.
- Reports of meetings/sessions with stakeholder’s involvement during the dashboard development including attendance sheet signed.Evidence of indicators review and agreed upon by stakeholders and IHP
- Report of training conducted including:
- Attendance sheets
- Pre-tests and post-tests to show effect of the capacity building intervention with respect to dashboard use. Action photographs.
- Report of Monthly dashboard review with reports and Completed Monthly RMNCAH+N Scorecards
- Pre-tests and post-tests to show the impact of the capacity building intervention in this area. This will continue in subsequent months.
- Guidelines for monitoring RMNCAH+N Performance in the state approved for implementation by ED.
- Monthly feedback (in a brief report) on RMNCAH+N activities with action plan and tracker (for 2months).
- Monthly dashboard review report4.Monthly RMNCAH+N Scorecards submittedPre-tests and post-tests to show the impact of the capacity building intervention in this area.
- Final report approved by ED NPHCDA and IHP Chief of Party.
Terms and Conditions
Proposal Conditions:
- By submitting a proposal, potential suppliers are bound by these terms and conditions. Potential suppliers must submit offers with all details provided in English and with prices quoted in a single currency.
Proposal Lodgement:
- The Companymaygrant extensions to the Closing Time at its discretion. The Companywill not consider any quotes received after the Closing Time specified in the RFPunless the Companydetermines to do so otherwise at its sole discretion.
- The Company may review all proposalto confirm compliance with this RFPand to determine the best proposalin the circumstances.
- The Company may decline to consider a proposal in which there are alterations, erasures, illegibility, ambiguity or incomplete details.
The Company’s Rights:
- The Company may, at its discretion, discontinue the RFP; decline to accept any proposal; terminate, extend or vary its selection process;
- Decline to issue any contract; seek information or negotiate with any potential supplier that has not been invited to submit a proposal;
- Satisfy its requirement separately from the RFP process;
- Terminate negotiations at any time and commence negotiations with any other potential supplier; evaluate proposalsas the Company sees appropriate (including with reference to information provided by the prospective supplier or from a third party); and
- Negotiate withany one or more potential suppliers.
Amendments and Queries:
- The Company may amend or clarify any aspect of the RFP prior to the RFP Closing Time by issuing an amendment to the RFP in the same manner as the original RFP was distributed.
- Such amendments or clarifications will, as far as is practicable be issued simultaneously to all parties.
- Any queries regarding this RFPshould be directed to the Contact Person identified on the cover page of this RFP.
- The Company may, at any time prior to execution of a contract, seek clarification or additional information from, and enter into discussions and negotiations with, any or all potential suppliers in relation to their proposals. In doing so, the Company will not allow any potential supplier to substantially tailor or amend their proposal.
- In their proposal, potential suppliers must identify any aspects of their proposal that they consider should be kept confidential, with reasons.
- Potential suppliers should note that the Company will only agree to treat information as confidential in cases that it considers appropriate.
- In the absence of such an agreement, potential suppliers acknowledge that the Company has the right to disclose the information contained in their proposal.
- The potential supplier acknowledges that in the course of this RFP, it may become acquainted with or have access to the Company’s Confidential Information (including the existence and terms of this RFP and the TOR). It agrees to maintain the confidence of the Confidential Information and to prevent its unauthorised disclosure to any other person.
- If the potential supplier is required to disclose Confidential Information due to a relevant law or legal proceedings, it will provide reasonable notice of such disclosure to the Company. The parties agree that this obligation applies during the RFP and after the completion of the process.
- Potential suppliers may submit proposals for alternative methods of addressing the Company’s requirement described in the RFP where the option to do so was stated in the RFP or agreed in writing with the Company prior to the RFP Closing Time.
- Potential suppliers are responsible for providing a sufficient level of detail about the alternative solution to enable its evaluation.
Reference Material:
- If the RFP references any other materials including, but not limited to, reports, plans, drawings, samples or other reference material, the potential supplier is responsible for obtaining the referenced material and considering it in framing their proposal. And provide it to the Company upon request.
Price / Cost Basis:
- Prices or costs quoted must show the tax exclusive price, the tax component and the tax inclusive price. The contract price, which must include any and all taxes, supplier charges and costs, will be the maximum price payable by the Company for the Goods and/or Services.
Financial Information:
- If requested by the Company, potential suppliers must be able to demonstrate their financial stability and ability to remain viable as a provider of the Goods and/or Services over the term of any agreement.
- If requested by the Company, the potential supplier must promptly provide the Company with such information or documentation as the Company reasonably requires in order to evaluate the potential supplier’s financial stability.
- The Company reserves the right to contact the potential supplier’s referees, or any other person, directly and without notifying the potential supplier.
Conflict of Interest:
- Potential suppliers must notify the Company immediately if any actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest arises (a perceived conflict of interest is one in which a reasonable person would think that the person’s judgement and/or actions are likely to be compromised, whether due to a financial or personal interest (including those of family members) in the procurement or the Company).
- If there is inconsistency between any of the parts of the RFP the following order of precedence shall apply:
- These Terms and Conditions;
- The first page of this RFP; and
- The Schedule
- So that the provision in the higher ranked document will prevail to the extent of the inconsistency.
Collusion and Unlawful Inducements:
- Potential suppliers and their officers, employees, agents and advisors must not engage in any collusive, anti-competitive conduct or any other similar conduct with any other potential supplier or person or quote any unlawful inducements in relation to their proposal or the RFP process.
- Potential suppliers must disclose where proposals have been compiled with the assistance of current or former the Company employees (within the previous 9 months and who was substantially involved in the design, preparation, appraisal, review, and or daily management of this activity) and should note that this may exclude their proposal from consideration.
- Potential suppliers warrant that they have not provided or offered any payment, gift, item, hospitality or any other benefit to the Company, its employees, consultants, agents, subcontractors (or any other person involved in the decision-making process relating to this RFP) which could give arise to a perception of bribery or corruption in relation to the RFPor any other dealings between the parties.
- This Agreement shall be subject to the laws of the Jurisdiction. The Supplier and the Company will use their best efforts to settle amicably any dispute, controversy, or claim arising out of, or relating to this Agreement or the breach, termination, or invalidity thereof.
- If no agreeable settlement can be found, any dispute, controversy, or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the breach, termination, or invalidity thereof, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules in effect on the date of this Agreement.
- The appointing authority shall be the Secretary-General of the Permanent Court of Arbitration.
- The Parties will be bound by any arbitration award rendered as a result of such arbitration as the final adjudication of any such dispute.
- The place of arbitration shall be the headquarters location of Company at the time the claim is filed and the language of the arbitration will be English. The relevant laws shall be the laws of the Jurisdiction.
Eligibility Requirements
- A good First Degree or its equivalent from a reputable University in Medicine, Statistics, Sciences, Social Sciences, or other numerate disciplines.
- Post graduate qualification in Management, Public Health, Health Management, Health Economics, M&Eor other related fields
- Certification in and/or professional membership of Health, M&E related bodies shall be an added advantage
- Minimum of 7 years’ experience implementing M&E in Nigeria or related settings.
- Experience working with an Organizationsthat provides M&E capacity building supports and or services (preferred).
- Expertise in Data Quality Assurance, creating database, research and M&E best practises
- Experience in developing and delivering capacity building workshops on Monitoring and Evaluation and research
- Experience in working with government stakeholders and achieving results in RMNCAH+N
- Good understanding of current health financing reform initiatives in Nigeria especially the subnational level;
- Expertise in DHIS-2, dashboard creation and mentoring
- Expertise in analysis, presentation and use of routine and non-routine data
- Experience carrying out similar assignments in Nigeria particularly at the sub-national level.
Required Technical Competencies:
- ICT for M&E and data management.
- Knowledgeable of change theories andRMNCAH+Nprogramming
- Proven success in capacity building through coaching and mentoring.
- Strong and proven English writing skills with experience writing government policy documents, guidelines, etc.)
- Expert in capacity development for Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and M&E.
Required Skills:
- Analytical skills
- Leadership and coaching skills
- Good interpersonal skills
- Good communication skills (negotiation, moderation, representation, presentation of results
- Strong oral and writing skills in English
Due Diligence Requirements:
- Palladium conducts a due diligence search as part of our partner vetting and selectionprocess. Please see Attachment A for a sample of the due diligence form.
- Any individual or Company must complete Due Diligence Questionnaire if selected for Award within 5 days (See Attachment Afor the Due Diligence Questionnaire).
Restrictions for Debarred or Otherwise Prohibited Companies.
- As a USAID funded project, IHP does not partner with any debarred individuals or companies.
- Therefore, candidates and companies will be subjected to the approved systems of search which Palladium uses for vetting and certifying that potential contractors are not debarred.
Availability of Specific Registrations or Licenses to perform the Service:
- For Companies Application, contractors are required to submit their certificates of incorporation and any other industry certificates which enables them to operate in Nigeria and in the industry of this SOW.
- The Company must have a DUNS number or obtain one within 5 days of being notified of selection (seeAttachment Cfor instructionsfor obtaining DUNS number)
Evaluation and Award Process
This is a Best Value Procurement. Palladium uses “Best value” to select the most advantageous offer by evaluating and comparing factors in addition to cost or price. Decision is taken by the evaluation team by considering the cost and non-cost evaluation factors with the intent of awarding to the contractor that will give Palladium the greatest or best value for its money. The evaluation committee shall review the proposal received using the following weights:
Technical and Management Approach – 20:
- Quality and benefits of the solution.
- Quality of the performance metrics and measurement approach.
- Risks associated with the solution.
- Management approach and controls.
- Management team (Quality and experience of key personnel).
- Demonstrates strong understanding of the work required
- Demonstrates knowledge of the global and Nigeria best practices in Universal Health Coverage, developing and setting up M&E systems.
- Proposed activities are responsive to the RFP and are well thought out, organized and feasible.
- List of deliverables with due dates/timelines
Qualifications – 20:
- Educational background with evidence of degrees
- Professional qualifications (relevant to the consultancy)with certificates, licenses and other documentation
- Technical competencies relevant to this consultancy
Past Performance -10:
- Evidence of quality of past work (letters of reference/recommendations,performance reviews)
- Samples of work done(reports, publications)-Other evidence of quality of work and timeliness of work
Past Experience – 20:
- Key relevant achievementsand capabilities
- Previous work experience (long and short term) relevant to this assignment
- Number of years of demonstrated practical and progressive experience
- Past experience working or providing technical support and capacity building/mentoring to the government or non-governmental organizations
Price – 30:
- Financial proposal that includescost per deliverable with total costper deliverablebroken down by: daily rate, travel, accommodation, per diem,material, communication(adherence to USAID cost principles –allowable, allocable and reasonable)
- Evidence to support daily rate (employment contract, pay stubs)
Total Possible – 100 points:
- Palladium reserves the right to award under this solicitation without further negotiations. The offerors are encouraged to offer their best terms and prices with the original submission.
Procurement Integrity and Ethics
- It is Palladium’s Policy that no gifts of any kind and of any value be exchanged between vendors/contractors and Palladium personnel.
- Discovery of the same will be grounds for disqualification of the vendor/contractor from participation in any Palladium’s procurements and may result in disciplinary actions against Palladium personnel involved in such discovered transactions.
Instructions to the Offerors
The following items are required to be submitted as part of the proposal:
- Technical Proposal & Management Approach including:
- Personnel CV(s)
- Past Experience Information/Capability Statement
- Past Performance Information and Reference Information (Contact/Program Name etc)
- Past Performance or Trade References; performance reviews
- Financial Proposal: Detailing costs to be incurred with respect of the deliverables to be accomplished. Details of costs should be provided: daily rate/LOE, travel, accommodation, per diem, material, communication (adherence to USAID cost principles –allowable, allocable and reasonableand supported with evidence past rates). No lumpsum cost will be accepted.
- Selected candidates will be required to sign certifications: Terrorism, Anti-Kick Back, Debarment, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
- Please review the additional documentation and proposed contracts terms and conditions which should be given consideration when preparing your proposal. By submitting your bid, you will certify that you are in agreement with the contract terms and conditions as included in this solicitation and that all prices include all aspects of the required compliance with the terms and conditions of the proposed contract.
- Attachment A: Due diligence form(s)
- Attachment B: Sample Contract
- Attachment C: Guide for obtaining DUNs number
- Attachment D: Business Partner Code of Conduct
- Any contract/purchase order resulting from this solicitation must be signed by both parties in order to be considered valid and in force. All costs associated with, but not limited to, production, preparation and/or delivery of goods or services, including deliveries, accepted by Palladium staff, without a fully executed (signed by both parties) contract/purchase order, are at the vendor’s risk only. Palladium shall not pay for any costs, without limitation, associated with production, preparation or delivery of goods and/or services under this or any other contract/purchase order, which has not been signed by both parties.
- If your proposal is successful, you will be required to enter into the Company’s standard contract for the types of goods or services being provided. In the provision of the Goods and Services, you will be required to comply with the Company’s policies, including (withoutlimitation) its Business Partner Code of Conduct and any relevant client terms and conditions.Potential suppliers must also comply with the Company’s Business Partner Code of Conduct in the submission of any proposalspursuant to this RFP.
- If you are bidding as part of a joint venture, partnership or similar, please make this clear in your submission. Likewise, if you propose to subcontract any part of the goods or services provision, then disclose this fact within your submission.
- The Company may requireadditional information from you and approval for subcontracting will not be automatic as subcontractors will be subject to Palladium’s Due Diligence processand may be required to submit for USAID Partner Vetting.
- Applications are expected to be submitted on or before the due date as indicated on the cover page.
- Bidders are expected to submit both technical and financial bids and in two separate emails stating as part of the subject matter of the email whether “Technical bid”or “Financial bid”and also quoting the RFP number as it appears on the cover page. Applications received will have a validity period of six months.
- Palladium will set up an evaluation committee who will meet to review all applications received within two weeks after the application period has closed. Top candidates may further be invited for an interview by the evaluation committee which will be conducted a week after the first evaluation.
- Depending on availability of the members of the evaluation committee and the exigences of the program, evaluation maybe conducted at times which may be shorter or longer than stated here.
- Palladium will most likely issue the contract to the successful contractor from this process within 30 to 60 days after submission. Palladium’s ability to issue such contracts may be contingent upon USAID approval and when donor approval is required, timelines for contract award maybe longer than stated. Palladium hopes that the services to be rendered on this consultancy will commence around June 2021.
Application Closing Date
20th May, 2021; 11:59 PM (WAT).
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