Cora on Cafardo’s death: ‘That’s real. Life is real.’

FORT MYERS, Fla. (AP) — Boston Red Sox manager Alex Cora addressed the team on Friday morning about the death of longtime Boston Globe baseball writer Nick Cafardo.
Cora said he told the players to enjoy themselves on the field and to celebrate Cafardo’s life.
Cafardo collapsed outside the Red Sox clubhouse on Thursday and died of what his newspaper said was an apparent embolism. He was 62 and had covered the team for most of the past 30 years.
The Red Sox placed a dozen roses at Cafardo’s seat in the press box on Friday morning. The Baltimore Orioles sent five dozen donuts, along with their condolences.
Cora used his mid-morning session with reporters to speak for more than seven minutes about Cafardo and chose not to discuss any other topics.
He told reporters: “That’s why I don’t get caught up in the whole game. It’s just a game. When you leave, that’s real. Life is real.”