Ex-MSU president awaits judge’s trial ruling in Nassar case

CHARLOTTE, Mich. (AP) — A judge may not rule for months on whether a former Michigan State University president stands trial for allegedly lying about her knowledge of allegations against Larry Nassar.
A state prosecutor and an attorney for Lou Anna Simon gave closing statements in her preliminary exam Tuesday.
Eaton County District Judge Julie Reincke next will receive written briefs. Her ruling appears likely to wait until fall.
Simon is charged with two felonies and two misdemeanors.
Authorities say she knew in 2014 that Nassar had been accused of molesting a patient at a campus clinic. But Simon told police she knew only that a complaint had been filed against a sports doctor.
Nassar, who also worked at USA Gymnastics, is serving effective life sentences for possessing child pornography and molesting young athletes.