Haematologist Consultant Trainers at Jhpiego (6 Openings)

Jhpiego is an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University is a consortium partner on the USAID Integrated Health Program led by Palladium. Jhpiego is a recognized technical leader in reproductive, maternal and newborn health and workforce capacity-building development at global level and in Nigeria, where Jhpiego has led multiple reproductive maternal and newborn health programs for over two decades working closely with the Government of Nigeria, professional associations and other partners.

We are recruiting to fill the position below:

Job Title: Haematologist Consultant Trainer in safe blood transfusion as a core component Comprehensive Emergency Obstetrics and Newborn Care (CEmONC)

Locations: Bauchi, Sokoto and Kebbi
Reports to: Technical Lead, Maternal and Newborn Health/Family Planning and Reproductive Health

Subject RFP #

  • TO4/217727/Consultancy/Fixed Price Contract-2020-0003
  • TO5/217727/Consultancy/Fixed Price Contract-2020-0003
  • TO3/217727/Consultancy/Fixed Price Contract-2020-0003

Brief Background
USAID Integrated Health Program in Kebbi, Bauchi and Sokoto:

  • The USAID Integrated Health Program (IHP) task orders 3, 4, and 5 are multi-year, reproductive health/family planning, maternal, newborn and child health, nutrition, and malaria (RMNCH+NM) programs being implemented in Bauchi, Kebbi and Sokoto States respectively. As briefly summarized below, Bauchi, Kebbi and Sokoto states have poor maternal and perinatal health indices due in part to low coverage and poor quality of antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal routine and complications care.
  • IHP aims to contribute to State level reductions in maternal and child morbidity and mortality and to increase the capacity of health systems (public and private) to sustainably support quality primary health care (PHC) services for RMNCH+NM, including linkages to high quality secondary healthcare services for women, newborns and children with complications requiring higher level care. The three objectives of IHP are to:
    • Strengthen systems supporting primary health care services
    • Improve access to primary health care services
    • Increase quality of primary health care services
  • To improve quality of primary health care services (objective 3), IHP is supporting the State Government, SPHCDA and other partners in each of the 3 states to implement a range of activities in selected Primary Health Centres, including building capacity of PHC providers (training, mentoring, supervision) to provide  essential RMNCH care including prompt recognition, stabilizing measures and referral of women and newborns with complications. As a complement to provider capacity building, IHP is also supporting local health system strengthening and QI efforts to improve RMNCH care in PHCs, including linkages to secondary care for women and newborns with complications.
  • In collaboration with Bauchi, Sokoto and Kebbi state governments, IHP intends to conduct onsite competency-based CEmONC training for medical officers and midwives (80 per state) working at selected general hospitals, with a special focus on safe caesarean (including emergency caesarean hysterectomy) and safe blood transfusion. The training will take place in 14 GHs in Bauchi: 12 GHs in Sokoto and 11 GHs in Kebbi.
  • IHP is seeking the services of two Haematologist training consultants per State. As a member of a team, the consultants will lead an on-site 2-day trainings on safe blood transfusion component of CEmONC to build the capacity of medical officers, midwives, nurses and laboratory technicians to provide safe blood transfusion services as a core element of CEmONC in selected IHP supported general hospitals in one of the 3 IHP supported states. Each consultant trainer will conduct 2-3 batches of 2-day training on safe blood transfusion in 2-3 GHs in the selected state of choice. There will be average of 6 participants in each of the onsite training per facility.

Scope of Work:

  • The scope of the consultancy is to build the capacity of an average of 6 (six) healthcare workers (doctors, nurses and laboratory technicians) onsite at their health facilities (General Hospitals), to provide safe blood transfusion for women with severe anaemia and uncontrolled bleeding as a core component of CEmONC services.
  • The participants will be selected from IHP supported General Hospitals (GHs) in 3 IHP focus states: Bauchi (14 GHs), Kebbi (11 GHs) and Sokoto (11 GHs). Each consultant will be required to conduct this onsite training at 5 – 7 GHs per state.

Specific Objectives
By the end of each 2-day blood transfusion training session, learners will demonstrate competency to a minimum standard in the following areas:

  • Key principles of safe blood transfusion including correct and safe blood collection, testing, processing, storage, and cross-matching.
  • Advance preparation, including type and screening, for women at risk of obstetric haemorrhage and/or clinical decompensation due to anaemia (e.g. severe anaemia, risk factors for obstetric haemorrhage, etc.)
  • Clinical indications for blood transfusion of pregnant and postpartum women
  • Protocols for emergency transfusion of women with massive obstetric haemorrhage including rapid access to red cells (including emergency group O negative units) and excellent, standardized communication between clinicians and laboratory transfusion staff.
  • Prevention of mis-transfusion (safety checks to ensure right blood for right woman at right time in right place)
  • Monitoring of women during blood transfusion and management of complications
  • Key elements of a 24-hour blood transfusion quality management system

Scope of Work – Key Tasks:

  • Actively participate in an IHP organized one-day training-of trainers’ competencies standardization workshop.
  • Work with IHP to develop Operational Training Plan (as per the deliverable requirements below). Work closely with the technical IHP staff (RMNH/FP technical lead, State Technical Directors, Integrated PHC Advisors, Integrated Supportive Supervision and Quality Improvement Specialists) to develop the Operational Training Plan and any follow-on support.
  • Use the IHP training preparation checklist to support advance preparation for the training
  • In conjunction with IHP, conduct an advance visit to clinical training site the day before the training.
  • Set up simulation stations as required for the training.
  • Facilitate the clinical and laboratory skills training using ‘hands-on’, interactive, competency-based, training approaches and methodology.
  • Identify a peer practice coordinator (a high performing participant in each health facility who can provide continuing post-training support.
  • Administer pre and post knowledge, questionnaire and skills’ assessment to assess knowledge and skills of learners before and after the training.
  • Carry out any other related tasks that may be necessary to facilitate the training activity.


  • Jhpiego invites applications from qualified Haematologists to organize and facilitate two-day trainings on provision of safe blood transfusion as a core component of CEmONC for doctors, midwives and laboratory technicians from selected Secondary hospitals in three IHP-supported state: Kebbi, Sokoto and Bauchi states.
  • IHP is seeking 2 consultants per State with each consultant conducting 6-8 batches of 2-day trainings in IHP selected general hospitals (GHs) in Bauchi (14 GHs), Kebbi (11 GHs) and Sokoto (11 GHs)

IHP Responsibilities

  • IHP will provide technical guidance towards preparation of power point slides, checklists, pre- and post-tests.
  • IHP with State Ministry of Health will identify trainees at the selected health facilities in advance of the training.
  • IHP will provide a training of trainers to standardize skills of selected expert trainers and familiarize trainers with learning materials.

Type of Contract:

  • This is a firm fixed price deliverable-based contract. The consultant is expected to satisfactorily accomplish the deliverables before he/she gets paid for that deliverable.
  • The Jhpiego-Nigeria Country Director reserves the right to confirm if a deliverable is delivered adequately or otherwise. No price change is expected after contract is signed. IHP will not pay for cost of any deliverable that is not complete, of quality or on time.

Anticipated Contract Term:

  • The anticipated performance period for the consultancy is June 8, 2020 to September 30, 2020. As a firm fixed price consultancy based on deliverables, Jhpiego will only pay for deliverables that have met the standards and expectations of the program and which is also delivered within assigned timelines.

Required Qualifications

  • Registered and practising Haematologist with at least 5 years post-qualification working experience.
  • Evidence of previous and ongoing work experience providing comprehensive oversight of blood transfusion services for pregnant and postpartum women in a facility delivering CEmONC services.
  • Evidence of previous experience conducting training on safe blood transfusion as a key component of CEmONC or a similar training especially within the last 24 months and/or Evidence of provision of ongoing training to obstetricians/haematologists undergoing residency training or training of medical officers undergoing rotation in haematology till date.
  • Evidence of having up-to-date annual practicing license with Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria.
  • Evidence of strong coaching, mentoring and facilitation skills
  • Evidence of strong analytical and communication skills.

Knowledge and skills scope of training:

  • Key principles of safe blood transfusion including correct and safe blood collection, testing, processing, storage, distribution, matching, delivery
  • Blood group system
  • Blood transfusion and Transmittable infection.
  • Prevention of blood transmittable infections.
  • Blood screening and cross-matching.
  • Clinical indications for blood transfusion of pregnant and postpartum women
  • Protocols for emergency transfusion of women with massive obstetric haemorrhage including rapid access to red cells (including emergency group O negative units) and excellent, standardized communication between clinicians and laboratory transfusion staff.
  • Advance preparation, including type and screen, for women at risk of obstetric haemorrhage and clinical decompensation (e.g. severe anaemia, risk factors for obstetric haemorrhage, etc.)
  • Prevention of mis-transfusion (safety checks to ensure right blood for right woman at right time in right place)
  • Blood transfusion procedure, blood quality monitoring and management of complications of blood transfusion including blood transfusion reaction.
  • Blood donation processes.
  • Blood storage.
  • How to set up a functional 24-hour blood transfusion services.

Terms of Consultancy

  • The consultant is expected to submit the consultancy deliverables (outlined below) to the State Technical Director. Please note that the data emanating from the IHP and the workshop training as well as the learning resource packages that would be made available to you are the exclusive property of IHP and shall not be shared or published by you or anyone else (with the exception of branded training materials available in the public space.) The ultimate approver of all deliverables is the Country Director, Jhpiego-Nigeria before any payment will be made.
  • Management: IHP State Technical Director in each State (Bauchi, Kebbi and Sokoto) will serve as the focal points for this consultancy. Technical leadership, direction and oversight will be provided by the Technical lead, Maternal and Newborn Health/Family Planning, Abuja Office. Any required meeting with government and other partners during the fieldwork must be arranged by IHP and not the consultant.
  • This is a fully loaded fixed price contract for the consultancy. This means that all costs for the consultant must be included in the cost proposal, including air/other travel to the States, local transportation, meals and incidentals, and hotel accommodation. IHP will arrange for the on-site training costs, site readiness and participant costs (if any).

Outputs and Deliverables
Deliverable 1: Prior to commencement of training:

  • Operational training plans developed and submitted at least 2 days before commencement of the training. The Operational Training Plan should be developed in collaboration with IHP staff, and include: dates of training, training site(s), selection of targeted facilities, lists of provider participants.
  • Participate in the IHP organized one-day Training of Trainers (Skills standardization training workshop).

Deliverable 2: Within 2 weeks of the final training session:

  • A comprehensive final report that includes a brief description of the training methodology, a summary of training sessions (dates, sites, participants); results of pre-and post-training provider knowledge and skills assessments for each participants (and assessment methods/tools used); list of participants for each training along with signed daily attendance sheets for all participants; a summary of any challenges encountered and lessons learned; and recommendations for strengthening future training and sustaining providers’.CEmONC competencies. The deliverable is paid by the number of trainees completing the course.

Final report appendices should include:

  • Action photographs
  • Pre and post-training knowledge and skills test scripts
  • Copy of analysis of the training evaluation forms
  • Copies of facility action plans
  • Original signed attendance sheets


  • Sokoto Activity: Milestone for payment is the completion of all 3 deliverables.


  • Approved Operational Training Plan submitted at least 2 days before commencement of the training that includes: dates of training, names of health facilities for training, and list of participants.
  • Training in Sokoto. 2-day skills-based training on anaesthesia component of CEmONC conducted for an average of 6trainees per health facility in 2-3 health facilities.
  • Final Training Report for Sokoto State. Within 2 weeks of the final training session: A comprehensive final report that includes a brief description of the training methodology, a summary of training sessions (dates, sites, participants); results of pre-and post-training provider knowledge and skills assessments for each participants (and assessment methods/tools used ); list of participants for each training along with signed daily attendance sheets for all participants; a summary of any challenges encountered and lessons learned; and recommendations for strengthening future training and sustaining provider skills for provision of anaesthesia component of CEmONC services. Final report appendices should include:
    • Action photographs
    • Pre and post training knowledge and skills test scripts
    • Copy of analysis of the training evaluation forms
    • Copies of facility action plans
    • Original signed attendance sheets.


  • Kebbi Activity: Milestone for payment is the completion of all 3 deliverables.


  • Approved Operational Training Plan submitted at least 2 days before commencement of the training that includes: dates of training, names of health facilities for training, and list of participants.
  • Training in Kebbi. 2-day skills-based training on anaesthesia component of CEmONCconducted for an average of 6 trainees per health facility in 2-3 health facilities.
  • Final Training Report for Kebbi State. Within 2 weeks of the final training session:  A comprehensive final report that includes a brief description of the training methodology, a summary of training sessions (dates, sites, participants); results of pre-and post-training provider knowledge and skills assessments for each participants (and assessment methods/tools used ); list of participants for each training along with signed daily attendance sheets for all participants; a summary of any challenges encountered and lessons learned; and recommendations for strengthening future training and sustaining provider skills for provision of anaesthesia component of CEmONC services. Final report appendices should include:
    • Action photographs
    • Pre and post-training knowledge and skills test scripts
    • Copy of analysis of the training evaluation forms
    • Copies of facility action plans
    • Original signed attendance sheets.


  • Bauchi Activity: Milestone for payment is the completion of all 3 deliverables.


  • Approved Operational Training Plan submitted at least 2 days before commencement of the training that includes: dates of training, names of health facilities for training and list of participants.
  • Training in Bauchi. 2-day skills-based training on anaesthesia component of CEmONC conducted for an average of 6 trainees per health facility in 2-3 health facilities.
  • Final Training Report for Bauchi State. within 2 weeks of the final training session:  A comprehensive final report that includes a brief description of the training methodology, a summary of training sessions (dates, sites, participants); results of pre-and post-training provider knowledge and skills assessments for each participants (and assessment methods/tools used); list of participants for each training along with signed daily attendance sheets for all participants; a summary of any challenges encountered and lessons learned; and recommendations for strengthening future training and sustaining provider skills for provision of anaesthesia component of CEmONC services. Final report appendices should include:
    • Action photographs
    • Pre and post-training knowledge and skills test scripts
    • Copy of analysis of the training evaluation forms
    • Copies of facility action plans
    • Original signed attendance sheets.

Due Diligence Requirements:

  • Jhpiego conducts a due diligence search as part of our partner vetting and selection process. Please see Attachment A for a sample of the due diligence form using this link: https://jhpiego-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/eobidare_jhpiego_org/EiVW4a57E_tLk9n5C9h65VIBdQliTCtfXx5BhJgo7MSaEw?e=uwSRMa
  • Any individual consultant must complete Due Diligence Questionnaire if selected for Award within 5 days (See Attachment A for the Due Diligence Questionnaire)

Restrictions for debarred or otherwise prohibited companies:

  • As a USAID funded project, IHP does not partner with any debarred individuals or companies. Therefore, candidates and companies will be subjected to the approved systems of search which Jhpiego uses for vetting and certifying that potential contractors are not debarred.

Availability of Specific Registrations or Licenses to perform the Service:

  • For Companies Application, contractors are required to submit their certificates of incorporation and any other industry certificates which enables them to operate in Nigeria and in the industry of this SOW.
  • The Company must have a DUNS number or obtain one within 5 days of being notified of selection (see Attachment C for instructions for obtaining DUNS number).

Evaluation and Award Process
This is a Best Value Procurement. Jhpiego uses “Best value” to select the most advantageous offer by evaluating and comparing factors in addition to cost or price. Decision is taken by the evaluation team by considering the cost and non-cost evaluation factors with the intent of awarding to the contractor that will give Jhpiego the greatest or best value for its money. The evaluation committee shall review the proposal received using the following weights:

Technical Approach – 20 points:

  • Quality and experience of the consultant.
  • Demonstrates strong understanding of the work required
  • Demonstrates knowledge of global and Nigeria blood transfusion best practices in pregnant and postpartum women including key principles of safe blood transfusion including correct and safe blood collection, testing, processing, storage, distribution, matching, delivery.
  • Proposed activities are responsive to the RFP and are well thought out, organized and feasible.
  • List of deliverables with due tentative dates/timelines.

Qualifications – 20 points:

  • Educational background with evidence of degrees
  • Professional qualifications (relevant to the consultancy) with certificates, licenses and other documentation
  • Technical competencies relevant to this consultancy

Past performance – 10 points

  • Evidence of quality of past work (letters of reference/recommendations, performance reviews)
  • Samples of work done (reports, publications)
  • Other evidence of the quality of work and timeliness of work.

Past Experience – 20 points:

  • Key relevant achievements and capabilities
  • Previous work experience (long and short term) relevant to this assignment
  • Number of years of demonstrated practical and progressive experience
  • Past experience working or providing technical support and capacity building/mentoring to the government or non-governmental organizations.

Price – 30 points:

  • Financial proposal that includes cost per deliverable with total cost per deliverable broken down by: daily rate, travel, accommodation, per diem, material, communication(adherence to USAID cost principles – allowable, allocable and reasonable)

Total Possible – 100 points:

  • Jhpiego reserves the right to award under this solicitation without further negotiations. The offerors are encouraged to offer their best terms and prices with the original submission.

Application Closing Date
28th May, 2020; 11.59pm (WAT)

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