Israel Folau sacked following anti-gay social media post

A devout Christian who has made 73 international appearances for the Wallabies, Folau was found guilty of a code of conduct breach last week, following a homophobic social media post, which listed “drunks, homosexuals, adulterers, liars, fornicators, thieves, atheists and idolaters,” reading underneath, “Hell awaits you.”The controversial Instagram post in April has not been deleted.A three-person tribunal decided on Friday that Folau’s contract with Rugby Australia should be terminated.”This is a decision that will change the landscape for sport in Australia and possibly across the world … we wanted to make sure we took the time to get the decision right,” said Rugby Australia chief executive officer Raelene Castle. Folau’s multi-million dollar contract with Rugby Australia would have run until 2022, but the ruling effectively ends his rugby career.The 30-year-old has 72 hours to appeal the decision.More to follow.