Kenyan runner Kipketer suspected of anti-doping rule breach

MONACO (AP) — Kenyan runner Alfred Kipketer, who raced in the 800-meter final at the 2016 Olympics, has been suspended for failing to make himself available for doping tests.
The Athletics Integrity Unit said Wednesday that Kipketer has been charged with “whereabouts” failures. He has been provisionally suspended until a full hearing.
Kipketer is the latest in a string of Kenyan athletes to face disciplinary issues connected to doping and drug testing. Former marathon world-record holder Wilson Kiprotich was suspended last week because of a “whereabouts” violation and possible tampering with anti-doping work.
Athletes are required to keep drug-testers informed of their whereabouts for one hour each day. If they fail to do that, or aren’t present at the location where they said they would be, that is a violation. Three violations usually lead to a suspension.