Lambeau Field dining staff distributing food to community

The Lambeau Field dining staff that typically serves meals to Green Bay Packers players, coaches and personnel are instead preparing and delivering food throughout the community while the stadium is closed.
Packers officials said the Lambeau Field staff has given out 400 meals per week to feed local school district employees responsible for ensuring all students have lunch access and 1,000 meals per week to staffers at area health-care facilities.
Packers officials added that 5,000 protein bars and 3,500 protein shakes that had been stored for future player use have instead gone to local public schools to help feed students in the community. The Lambeau Field staff also has provided as many as 300 meals plus non-perishable food items to supporting area food pantries and shelters.
Packers director of performance nutrition Adam Korzun and his team dining staff are leading the effort.