Latest Recruitment at the Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital (19 Positions)

NNNAMDI AZIKIWE UNIVERSITY TEACHING HOSPITAL P. M.B. 5025 NNEWI„ ANAMBRA STATE, NIGERIA Applications areinvited from suitably qualified candidates for the following positions in HAUT..
Medical Laboratory Scientist CONHESS 9
- Job TypeFull Time
- QualificationBA/BSc/HND
- LocationAnambra
- Job FieldMedical / Healthcare
A degree in Medical laboratory Science registrable with the Institute of Medical Lab, Science of Nigeria
Physiotherapist CONHESS 9
- Job TypeFull Time
- QualificationBA/BSc/HND
- LocationAnambra
- Job FieldMedical / Healthcare
Bachelor of Pharmacy degree registrable with the Pharmacist Registration Bcurd of Nigeria (PRBM)
- Job TypeFull Time
- QualificationBA/BSc/HND
- LocationAnambra
- Job FieldMedical / Healthcare
RN/RM Registrable with the Nursing Council of Nigeria
A degree in Nursing Sciences plus the registration of Nursing 8 Midwifery Council of Nigeria (NMCN). Candidates who with effect from September. 2016 must have successfully undergone the one ,r Internship prograrnrne In an accredi. Institution.
B.Sc. Nursing plus the registration of the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria (NMCN), plus registered Nurse/MIdwife or Public Health Educator
Radiographers – CONHESS 9
- Job TypeFull Time
- QualificationBA/BSc/HND
- LocationAnambra
- Job FieldMedical / Healthcare
Bachelors degree in Radiography frorn a recognized University registrable with the Radiographers Registration Board of Nigeria
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Program/System Analyst CONHESS 7
- Job TypeFull Time
- QualificationBA/BSc/HND
- LocationAnambra
- Job FieldICT / Computer
A degree in Computer Science or Statistics with a Post Graduate Diploma In Cornputer Science from a recognized University.
Information Officer CONHESS 7
- Job TypeFull Time
- QualificationBA/BSc/HND
- LocationAnambra
- Job FieldMedia / Advertising / Branding
A degree preferably in Arts, Journalism, Social Sciences or English language from a recognized University
Medical Officer I – CONHESS 3
- Job TypeFull Time
- QualificationBA/BSc/HND
- LocationAnambra
- Job FieldMedical / Healthcare
A Degree in Medicine from an accredited Institution. and registred with the Medical council of Nigeria
Consultant CONHESS 6
- Job TypeFull Time
- QualificationMBA/MSc/MA
- LocationAnambra
- Job FieldConsultancy
MIBBS plus Part two final examination cerificate of the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria or its equivalent in the specialty
Confidential Secretary CONHESS 6
- Job TypeFull Time
- Qualification
- LocationAnambra
- Job FieldAdministration / Secretarial
a. Senior Secondary Ceruliute or GCL IOU Plus or Clvd Senn. Training School Cendiute in Shorthand and Typewriting at 120 and 60 words per minute respectively plus the prescribed subjects
b Higher National Diploma HND) In Secretarial Studies including a pass at 120 and 60 words per minute In Shorthand and Typewriting respectively from a recognized Setretarial/Technical Institute.
c. By direct appointment of a candidate possessing a Certificate in Bilingual Secretaryship Of equivalent qualification from recognized Institution
Social Welfare Officer CONHESS 7
- Job TypeFull Time
- QualificationBA/BSc/HND
- LocationAnambra
- Job FieldMedical / Healthcare
A degree in Social Work or any of the relevant Social Sciences or Physical Health Education obtained from a recognized University.
Legal Officer CONHESS 9
- Job TypeFull Time
- QualificationBA/BSc/HND
- Experience2 years
- LocationAnambra
- Job FieldLaw / Legal
Candidates rnust be legally qualified to practice as a Barrister, Solicitor in Nigeria and has acquired at least two years post call cognate experience.
Scientific Officer 11 CONHESS 7
- Job TypeFull Time
- QualificationBA/BSc/HND
- LocationAnambra
- Job FieldMedical / Healthcare
A Bachelor degree or its equivalent in Medical and appropriate Natural Sciences
Health Reacords Officer CONHESS 7
- Job TypeFull Time
- QualificationBA/BSc/HND
- LocationAnambra
- Job FieldMedical / Healthcare
HND In Health Information Management or its equivalent…. registrable with the heallth Records Officers Registration Board of Nigeria.
Medical Laboratory Technician CONGESS 6
- Job TypeFull Time
- QualificationSecondary School (SSCE)
- LocationAnambra
- Job FieldMedical / Healthcare
West African School Certificate/Senior Secondary School Certificate plus successful completion of a three year training In a recognized Institution registrable with the Institute of Medical Laboratory Technology of Nigeria for Technician Cadre.
Phramacy Technician CONHESS 6
- Job TypeFull Time
- QualificationSecondary School (SSCE)
- LocationAnambra
- Job FieldPharmaceutical
West African School Certificate or its equivalent plus successful cornpletion of a three year training programme at the School of Health Technology registrable with the Institute of Medical laboratory Technology for Technician Cadre.
Motor Driver/Mechanic CONHESS 3
- Job TypeFull Time
- QualificationSecondary School (SSCE)
- LocationAnambra
- Job FieldEngineering / Technical
WASC/GCE/NATEB/NECO with four credits at one sitting or five credits at two sittings plus clasS 111 Trade 18 for Motor Mechank Work plus Professional Drivers License.
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Clerical Staff CONHESS 3
- Job TypeFull Time
- QualificationSecondary School (SSCE)
- LocationAnambra
- Job FieldAdministration / Secretarial
ONHESS 3 SSCE/WASC/GCE sitS our credits obtained at one sitting or five credits at two sittings.
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Artisan CONHESS 3
- Job TypeFull Time
- QualificationSecondary School (SSCE)
- LocationAnambra
- Job FieldEngineering / Technical
Trade test class 11 with at least ….years cognate eiiperience. b) Government Craft Certificate obtained from Government Trade Centre or any apprcwed Institution.
Health Assistant CONHESS 3
CONHESS 3 Junior Secondary School Certificate or GCE (Ordinary Level) wnh three credits at one sitting or four credits at two sittings plus completion of a two year training programme in the School of Health Technotogy or any other approved Institution and obtained the National Cerofkate for Health Assistant Cadres
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