North-East Governors Urge Military To Sustain Fight Against Insurgency


Governors of the northeast region have asked the military to sustain its momentum in the fight against insurgency in the region by taking advantage of the current division among the insurgents.

The governors made the call on Tuesday at the 5th edition of the North East Governors’ Forum held at the Taraba State Government House in Jalingo.

Speaking further, they called on the Federal Government to extend the exploration of oil to the Chad Basins so as to put the northeast states on the list of oil-rich states.

Read Also: Taraba Gov Asks FG To Speed Up Oil Exploration In North-East

Meanwhile, the Governor of Borno State who doubles as chairman of the forum, Professor Babagana Zulum and the host Governor, Darius Ishaku, harped on the need for more infrastructural development in the northeast, including electricity supply.

The meeting has now gone into a closed-door session for further discussion with a communiqué expected to be issued afterward.