Private Sector Engagement Analyst at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the United Nations’ global development network. It advocates for change and connects countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life for themselves. It provides expert advice, training and grants support to developing countries, with increasing emphasis on assistance to the least developed countries. It promotes technical and investment cooperation among nations.
Headquartered in New York City, the status of UNDP is that of an executive board within the United Nations General Assembly. The UNDP is funded entirely by voluntary contributions from UN member states. The organization operates in 177 countries, where it works with local governments to meet development challenges and develop local capacity.
We are recruiting to fill the position below:
Job Title: Private Sector Engagement Analyst
Job Identification: 2302
Location: Lagos, Nigeria
Job Schedule: Full time
Grade: NOB
Contract Duration: 1 Year
Vacancy Type: Fixed Term
Bureau: Regional Bureau for Africa
Practice Area: Crisis management / Country Management Support
- Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country with an estimated population of 206 Million1 and an annual population growth rate of 2.6%2. By 2050, the country’s population is expected to have doubled, reaching more than 400 million and thereby becoming the third-largest country in the world3. More than half of its population will be under the age of 30 years.
- At the same time, unemployment and under-employment are one of the key development challenges facing young people in Nigeria and undermining the prospects of the country to achieve its development aspirations and fulfill its potential as the continent’s largest economy.
- According to the National Bureau for Statistics’ report of 2018, over 13.9 million youth are unemployed. The highest unemployment rate was recorded for youths between 15 – 24 years standing at 40.8%, followed by those aged between 25 – 34 years at 30.7%4. Investing in Nigeria’s youth is therefore becoming more urgent than ever.
- In response to this complex development challenge, the Federal Government of Nigeria, in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and other partners, seeks to invest in the next generation of leaders through the establishment of the Nigeria Jubilee Fellows Programme (JFP) – a platform for empowering young Nigerian graduates with practical on-the-job skills and leadership competencies through a twelve-month paid placement opportunity.
- Under this programme, highly qualified recent graduates of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) scheme will be provided with work opportunities within private sector organisations, the public sector, UN agencies and development organisations.
- The goal of the NJPF is to enhance these Fellows with professional and leadership capacities thereby enabling them to positively contribute to the social and economic development prospects of Nigeria. The enrolment of an initial 20,000 Fellows is envisaged followed by a scaling up of the programme in the coming years.
- The Jubilee Fellows Programme will expand opportunities for learning to work transitions for fresh graduates in Nigeria through placement opportunities, job market information, skills transfer and facilitated learning. It is designed as a partnership platform that brings together private and public sector actors – including learning institutions to co-create and deploy to scale a viable solution that enhances youth employability, entrepreneurship and retention of national talent.
Position Purpose
- To this end, UNDP Nigeria is seeking a Private Sector Engagement Analyst, to further elaborate the private sector engagement strategy and coordinate the implementation of the strategy.
- The Private Sector Engagement Analyst will be responsible for the engagement of the private sector, influencing private sector organizations to participate in the Jubilee Fellowship project as host entities, providing placement opportunities for the Fellows, and as knowledge partners or potential donors of the Fellowship for sustainability.
- The Private Sector Engagement Officer will support the implementation of partnership building strategies to upscale and deepen the impact of the Jubilee Fellowship, by contributing to the establishment and growth of new partnerships, with the view of achieving broader and systematic change towards youth unemployment in Nigeria.
Duties & Responsibilities
Under the direct supervision of Crisis Prevention and Recovery Advisor, the Private Sector Engagement Officer will be responsible for the following functions and tasks:
- Private Sector Engagement project planning, implementation & follow-up;
- Develop knowledge tools and guidance on engagement with private sector tailored to the programme’s needs;
- Provide substantive inputs to advocacy, knowledge building and communication efforts, as well as to resource mobilization strategies.
Private Sector Engagement Project Planning, Implementation & Follow-up:
- In coordination with Talent Management team and Youth Engagement officer, identify high potential Fellows for placement opportunities in private sector host entities.
- Contribute to a detailed rapid market assessment of key economic sectors that will inform placements
- Liaise and coordinate with multiple stakeholders in different economic sectors, to provide successful matching of selected Fellows for the 12-month placement opportunities.
- Identify, advertise, attract & select, and actively cooperate with private companies and employers able to absorb additional Jubilee Fellows.
- Continuously monitor and analyze the market for data and information relating to current and future employment trends and develop reports or case studies to be shared with project stakeholders where required.
- Assess desired and most needed skills required by private sector and employers in project implementation area and work closely with the PM to ensure linkage to other project outputs and the development of appropriate and effective training mechanisms and tools.
- In coordination with the Talent Management team, develop Jubilee Fellows selection criteria, workplans and monitoring, evaluation & mentorship/support plans for the entire duration of the 12-month Fellowship.
- Advertise, identify and attract would-be entrepreneurs with business ideas and match them with the appropriate mentors.
- Ensure lessons learnt and periodic review of activities are utilized and result in adaptations for the improved quality of programming and implementation.
- Conduct routine and regular monitoring visits to participating private sector enterprises to ensure appropriate follow-up, guidance and quality. Monitoring and follow-up should have a view toward continually improving skills acquisition of Jubilee Fellows, tailoring professional development toward business needs and supporting selected Fellows for negotiating long-term employment.
- Support the articulation of private sector engagement in line with development efforts towards achievement of the SDGs in close cooperation with the PMU.
Develop knowledge tools and guidance on private sector engagement tailored to the project’s needs:
- Undertake tailored research and analysis on relevant industries and sectors, analyzing trends and developments in the labour market, including latest technologies and innovation, and how it affects the future of work for youth in Nigeria.
- Support the interpretation of the findings of this research and analysis to influence the development of evidence-based policies on youth employment.
- Conduct skills-based needs assessment on private sector host entities representing all the key economic sectors to guide the placement of Jubilee Fellows.
- In close consultation with the PMU and other relevant colleagues, ensure that the tools and guidance developed are aligned to the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and reporting guidance of the project and activities.
- Organize meetings, roundtables and briefings aimed at strengthening strategic partnerships and joint initiatives with the business community, government representatives, youth networks and other key stakeholders
Provide substantive inputs to advocacy, knowledge building and communication efforts, as well as to resource mobilization strategies:
- Develop background documents, briefs and presentations related to private sector’s engagement for youth employment
- Coordinate and organize advocacy campaigns, events, trainings, workshops and knowledge products targeted toward private sector organizations.
- Coordinate the development of knowledge management methodologies, and products on private sector engagement and partnership cultivation.
- Provide substantive inputs to resource mobilization strategies; analyze and maintain information and databases.
- Prepare relevant documentation such as project summaries, conference papers, briefing notes, speeches, and donor profiles.
- Participate in donor meetings and public information events, as delegated.
People Management:
- Supervisory / Managerial Responsibilities: None for now
- UNDP People Management Competencies can be found in the dedicated site.
- Master’s Degree or equivalent in Social Policy, Public Policy, Politics, Development Studies, Statistics, Political Science, International Relations, or related field.
- Bachelor’s Degree with additional 2 years of qualifying experience may be considered in lieu of the Master’s degree.
- 2 years (Master’s Degree) or 4 years (Bachelor’s Degree) work experience in private sector in national and international levels.
- Experience in devising strategies, knowledge tools and guidance in relation to private sector and adapted to the economic context of the country.
- Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
- Computer literacy in Microsoft Office (word, excel, outlook) and web-based applications is required
- Working knowledge of the private sector in Nigeria is an asset
- Experience in working with private sector in relation to youth employment is an asset
- Working knowledge of UN principles, SDGs and international development in Africa is an asset
- Strong digital and data analytics skills is an asset
- Demonstrate the ability to showcase cross-disciplinary and cross-functional experience and expertise.
Core Competencies:
- Achieve Results – LEVEL 1: Plans and monitors own work, pays attention to details, delivers quality work by deadline.
- Think Innovatively – LEVEL 1: Open to creative ideas/known risks, is pragmatic problem-solver, makes improvements /
- Learn Continuously – LEVEL 1: Proactively initiate and champion change, manage multiple competing demands
- Adapt with Agility – LEVEL 1: Open-minded and curious, shares knowledge, learns from mistakes, asks for feedback.
- Act with Determination – LEVEL 1: Adapts to change, constructively handles ambiguity/uncertainty, is flexible.
- Engage and Partner – LEVEL 1: Demonstrates compassion / understanding towards others, forms positive relationships.
- Enable Diversity and Inclusion – LEVEL 1: Appreciate / respect differences, aware of unconscious bias, confront discrimination.
Functional & Technical competencies:
- Business Direction & Strategy – Business Acumen: Ability to understand and deal with a business situation in a manner that is likely to lead to a good outcome. Knowledge and understanding of the operational frameworks in the organization and ability to make good judgments and quick decisions within such frameworks.
- Business Direction & Strategy – Negotiation and Influence: Ability to reach an understanding, persuade others, resolve points of difference, gain advantage in the outcome of dialogue, negotiates mutually acceptable solutions through compromise and creates ‘win-win’ situations
- Business Direction & Strategy – Entrepreneurial Thinking: Ability to create clarity around UNDP value proposition to beneficiaries and partners and to develop service offers responding to client needs based on UNDP’s organizational priorities and mandate.
- Business Development- Knowledge Generation: Ability to research and turn information into useful knowledge, relevant for context, or responsive to a stated need.
- Business Development- Results-based Management: Ability to manage programmes and projects with a focus at improved performance and demonstrable results.
- Business Development- Partnerships Management: Ability to build and maintain partnerships with wide networks of stakeholders, Governments, civil society and private sector partners, experts and others in line with UNDP strategy and policies.
- Business Development – Integration within the UN: Ability to identity, and integrate capacity and assets of the UN system, and engage in joint work; knowledge of the UN System and ability to apply this knowledge to strategic and/or practical situations.
Language Requirements:
- Proficiency in oral and written English.
- Knowledge of other official UN languages is an asset
Application Closing Date
18th February, 2022 at 05:59 AM
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