Pumpman at Uniterm Nigeria Limited

Uniterm Nigeria Limited was incorporated in 2004. It has grown rapidly with professional staff of about 200 delivering quality and cost effective services in the Oil & Gas sector of the Nigerian economy. Uniterm is a Nigerian Company owned by Nigerians. The workforce is made up of professionals drawn across the world.



  • Pumpman reports to Chief officer.
  • Alignment ship’s manifold with facility/other ship manifold (STS). Keep communication with bridge at that time.
  • Carrying out of Line Up (prepare cargo line for loading/unloading) strictly as per CO instructions.
  • Connecting the cargo hose.
  • Cargo tanks soundings together with CO prior cargo operation started.
  • Check cargo pumps start-up, leakages etc at the beginning of unloading.
  • During unloading soundings of cargo tanks/ballast tanks as per CO instructions.
  • At the end of unloading stripping to be conducted. At the end of loading – topping up respectively. Tank soundings again. Frame system stripping could be done locally buy pump local control. Stripping on ships with cargo system other than Frame done via CCR.
  • Final tanks soundings after unloading finished.
  • Cargo hose disconnecting.
  • Sea passage preparations: secure manifold blanks and tighten bolts properly. Cover pressure and temperature gauges. Adjust cargo line valves as per CO instructions.
  • During sea passage pumpman can carry out cargo equipment maintenance (pumps, valves etc).

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