Racing officials approve Churchill Downs purchase of Turfway

LEXINGTON, Ky. (AP) — The Kentucky Horse Race Commission has approved the sale of Turfway Park to Churchill Downs.
News outlets report the 15-member commission on Tuesday unanimously approved Churchill Downs’ bid to buy Turfway Park for $46 million.
Churchill President Kevin Flanery says the purchase is a $150 million investment in Kentucky racing. That figure includes the purchase price.
Flanery says the venue will be renamed New Turfway Park and will feature a new grandstand with retractable seats for events outside of racing, a simulcast center, inner dirt track and installation of 1,500 historical racing machines.
New Turfway Park is expected to hire up to 400 full and part-time positions. It’s expected to open in the summer of 2021.
Flanery says construction begins in April.
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