Richard Sherman says Seattle has not been “close to a SB letting Russ cook” — Marcellus Wiley I SPEAK FOR YOURSELF

The Seattle Seahawks missed the playoffs this season and Richard Sherman certainly noticed. Sherman blasted former teammate Russell Wilson for the Seahawks’ “Let Russ Cook” philosophy on his podcast, saying quote: ‘The identity of a Pete Carroll championship team has always been: run the ball, limit the turnovers, play solid defense, and people were like let Russ cook. You did not win a Super Bowl letting Russ cook. You have not been anywhere close to a Super Bowl letting Russ cook. You will not be close to a Super Bowl if you let him throw it 30-40 times a game. Marcellus Wiley explains why Sherman’s comments were fair.
44 MINUTES AGO・Speak For Yourself・2:06