The New Day: Feel the Power hosts “Cesaro Appreciation Day” tomorrow

Longtime listeners of The New Day: Feel the Power know that there is one man who inspires terror and admiration — perhaps even devotion — among Kofi, Big E and Woods. That man is Cesaro, and on tomorrow’s edition of #NewDayPod, ya boys do their duty and prostrate themselves before their benevolent Swiss god on what they are declaring as “Cesaro Appreciation Day” for the April 13 edition of the podcast.
We know what you, a wrestling fan on the internet, are thinking: Every day should be Cesaro Appreciation Day. Reader, you’re not wrong. But The New Day, as they so often do, have listened to the voice of the people and dedicated an entire podcast to their love and fear of The Swiss Cyborg, with the ultimate cherry on top: Cesaro himself will be the guest of honor.
So, be sure to tweet your admiration to Cesaro on this and all future April 13’s, and tune in tomorrow wherever podcasts are available to hear the guys talk intimate moments in Battle Royals, funny encounters in tag team matches, and, of course, beach balls.